[[:IPG:3.7|3.7. 比赛失误~违反交流原则]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.9|3.9. 比赛失误~未充分洗牌]] ====== 3.8 Marked Cards 有记号的牌 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **Cards or sleeves in a player’s deck have inconsistencies on them that might allow them to be differentiated from each other while in the library. This includes scuff marks, nail marks, discoloration, bent corners and curving from foils.**\\ ++牌手套牌中的牌张或牌套有所差异,使得牌手有机会在牌库中即将之辨别出来。这包括划伤、指甲印、色差、牌角弯折及闪卡弯曲。|\\ A card should be identifiable only from its front face. Being able to identify what a card is, or what card type it is, from anything other than its front face is an issue. This applies to physical markings, such as scratches, dings, and scuffs, as well as to physical orientation – for example, if all of a player’s lands are turned upside down in their deck. If a single card can be identified side-on (i.e., while mash shuffling), this is also a problem that needs to be fixed by replacing the card, or sleeve, depending on the issue. Please note, this infraction only addresses issues with potential abuse. If we feel there is actual abuse, then we are now considering Cheating.\\ 一张牌应该只能通过看牌面来确认它是什么。如果能从正面以外的地方判断出它是哪张牌,或者牌是什么类别都是不能允许的。这主要涵盖物理磨损的情况,包括抓痕,折痕以及磨损等,也包括牌的方向——例如,牌手套牌中所有地牌的牌套都是倒着放的。如果一张牌在插洗的时候能从侧面认出来,也是不行的,需要将那张牌或者牌套替换掉。请注意,这个违规的判罚是针对于其滥用的可能性。如果你感觉牌手已经在滥用这点来获利,那么我们应当考虑作弊。\\ We only issue this infraction if the marked cards are in a player’s deck, not the sideboard. If the cards in the sideboard have different markings or the sleeves appear newer we should only issue this infraction after sideboarding the marked cards into the deck. If the sideboard cards are noticed during a deck check the player should be made aware of this and suggested to use the main deck sleeves when sideboarding.\\ 只有当有记号的牌在牌手套牌,而非备牌中时,才判处这个违规。如果备牌中的牌有记号、或牌套看起来更新,我们应当在这些有标记的牌被换进套牌之后才能判处这个违规。如果在套牌检查时发现这种问题,我们应当提醒牌手,建议他在换备时使用主牌的牌套。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player has small marks on a few of their sleeves. The markings are on a Mountain, a Loxodon Hierarch, and a Lightning Helix.**\\ ++A. 牌手的几张牌套上有小记号。有记号的牌是一张山脉、一张象族大主教/Loxodon Hierarch和一张闪电螺旋/Lightning Helix。|\\ There is not a great argument for a land, a creature, and an instant being a pattern of marked cards. However, cards that are individually marked in this fashion are still an issue. If the player notices these markings, that player can make an assumption that “this card in my 60 card deck is a mountain, a Loxodon Hierarch, or a Lightning Helix,” giving the player undue knowledge about what that card might be.\\ 一张地,一个生物和一个瞬间,这个情形似乎并不是刻意做了记号的牌。然而,这样的单张有记号的牌仍旧是个问题。如果牌手意识到了这个标记,那么他看到这个记号的时候就知道这张牌可能是山脉/象族大主教/闪电螺旋,这给了牌手本不应知道的牌库信息。\\ ++ **B. A player has several foil cards that stand out significantly from the rest of their deck.**\\ ++B. 在一副套牌中,可以明显地辨别出部分闪卡。|\\ Foils have a tendency to bend inwards. It is possible, and with bad handling, for these cards to be warped in such a way that they are noticeable. Again, knowing which foils the player has in their deck, that player can make a more accurate assumption about what the bent card is. It should be noted that not all foils are marked, and not all bent cards are foils. Let's be very clear here, the fact that your deck contains foils in a specific pattern (all lands, for example) does not mean the deck is marked; the markings arise from the bends (if they exist).\\ 闪卡经常会出现弯曲。如果不妥善保管,这种弯曲可能会严重到在牌库中也能看出来的程度。牌手知道自己套牌中哪张牌是闪的,他就获知了额外的牌库信息。但是需要注意并不是所有闪卡都是弯的,也并非所有弯卡都是闪的。举例的来说,就算你套牌中特定部分都用的闪牌(比如全部都用闪地)也不一定意味着你套牌是带记号的,造成记号的原因是牌弯。\\ ++ **C. The basic lands in a player’s unsleeved deck are from a set with notably lighter backs.**\\ ++C. 在一副没有用牌套的套牌中,使用了牌背颜色略淡的基本地。|\\ Having noticeably lighter backs makes these cards marked. Because it is all the basic lands this fits the upgrade path outlined in the additional remedy, since substantial advantage can be gained knowing if the top card of the library is a land just be seeing the different back.\\ 一些牌的牌背颜色显著地较淡会使这些牌成为有标记的。由于它们都是基本地,这就符合了进一步的修正一节中所说的升级条件,因为从牌背就能看出来牌库顶的牌是不是地,该牌手便会因此可观地获利。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Sleeves and cards often become worn over the course of a tournament, and, as long as the player is not attempting to take advantage of this, addressing the situation is sufficient in most cases. Note that almost all sleeves can be considered marked in some way; judges should keep this in mind when determining penalties. In cases of marked cards, educating players to shuffle their cards and sleeves before sleeving the cards is very important.**\\ ++牌套与牌在比赛过程中经常会持续磨损,并且,只要牌手并不准备藉此获得优势,通常来说只要提醒有此现象便已足够。请注意,几乎所有的牌套都可能在某种标准下被判定为有记号;裁判决定作出处罚时务须谨慎行事。|\\ Tournaments are long, with many larger tournaments involving over 8 hours of actual Magic gameplay. Playing Magic — especially shuffling cards — over an 8 hour period will cause sleeve splits, and it will cause dings, dents, and scuffs. As long as these markings do not make a card identifiable, it is simple enough just to point out this error, give the penalty and get the player to replace the sleeves. Be careful, though — if you stare long enough, you can probably find markings on all but the newest sleeves. This does not mean they are marked.\\ 比赛的时间很长,很多大比赛你实际在玩牌的时间都会超过8小时。玩牌(尤其是洗牌)8个小时经常会造成牌套的损坏,或者在牌套上产生痕迹。只要那个印记并不会使得一张牌是可辨识的,那么只要指出这个问题,给出判罚,让牌手更换牌套就行了。需要注意的是,如果长时间的观察一套牌,你可能会在新换的牌套以外的所有牌套上都能看出痕迹,但是这并不意味着这些牌是带记号的。\\ ++ ++遇到此类状况时,要教导牌手在上牌套之前务必要先将牌洗过。|\\ It's always important to explain why players are getting a particular penalty, but with Marked Cards, you need to explain how to prevent further occurrences. Typically the players won't know anything is wrong until you tell them.\\ 向牌手说明他为什么会得到这个判罚是非常重要的,但是在有记号的牌判罚中,你同样需要告诉牌手如何防止继续吃到这个判罚。一般来说你不说的话牌手是不知道问题所在的。\\ There are some additional steps the players should take when sleeving up their deck. For example, players should shuffle their sleeves as well as their decks prior to sleeving, in case some sleeves are slightly shorter than others (this can happen with sleeves from different packs, even if they're sold as identical). If the player shuffles the sleeves first, there may be marked cards, necessitating changes, but it is unlikely to be serious. If the player does not shuffle the sleeves first, it could be that the deck is in one size of sleeves and the sideboard in a different size — a much bigger problem (see below).\\ 牌手给套牌上牌套的时候应有一些额外的步骤。比如,牌手应该把他的牌套和套牌都洗一下,因为有的时候牌套的长度会有差异(这可能因为这些牌套出自不同的包里,即使这两包牌套是同一种)。如果牌手在上牌套之前就洗过套牌和牌套,那么这种有记号的牌可能不会被认为很严重。如果没洗过,可能最后你的备牌的牌套会跟主牌有区别,这就是个大问题了(见下文)。\\ ++ **This infraction applies only to cards in a player’s deck. Differently-marked sleeves in the sideboard are not illegal unless they are put into the deck without being changed. Unless investigating, judges are encouraged to alert players about concerns with marked sideboard cards.**\\ ++此违规只适用于牌手套牌中的牌。牌手备牌中的牌,就算牌套上有相异的记号也不会算作不合法,但倘若牌手在此种情况下不更换牌套即将之换入套牌则不然。|\\ Let’s say a player’s whole deck is sleeved, but their sideboard is unsleeved. Are those sideboard cards marked? Of course not! These two sentences here delineate the boundary between Marked Cards and cards that are marked, and that boundary is the deck. Cards in the sideboard can be in any condition until they are put in the deck. This means during a deck check, you may run across marked sleeves that make sideboard cards stand out, but if they aren’t in a deck, its legal.\\ 例如说,一个牌手的整个套牌都套了牌套,而备牌却没有套牌套。这些备牌是有记号的吗?当然不是!这两句话是用来划清“有记号的牌”和“牌上有记号”之间的界限,而这个界限便是套牌。在备牌中的牌可以是任何状况,直到这些牌被换入了套牌。这意味着在套牌检查中你可能会看到备牌上有标记的牌套,但只要这些牌不是套牌的一部分,便是合法的。\\ ++ ++除了需进行调查的情况外,在此鼓励裁判提醒牌手注意自己备牌是否上存在记号。|\\ During a deck check, you find some sideboard cards that are marked, please notify the player they will need to swap sleeves with their main deck cards. Do not silently wait to see if they put those cards into the deck and then jump in with a penalty. Tell them beforehand. The exception to this is: Investigating. If you are investigating cheats, you may opt to not tell them so that you can gather more information for your investigation.\\ 在套牌检查时,你可能会看到一些备牌上有记号。这时,请提醒牌上他应当在换备牌时,也将主牌中的牌套一并换上。不要默不作声地等待直到牌手把有记号的牌换进套牌,然后跳出来给他判罚。请事先告诉他们。有一个例外是:调查。如果你在调查作弊,可能不告诉他们更好,这样你可以为调查收集更多的信息。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **The player needs to replace the card(s) or sleeve(s) with an unmarked version or, if no sleeves are being used, use sleeves that conceal the markings. If the cards themselves have become marked through play in the tournament, the Head Judge may decide to issue a proxy.**\\ ++牌手必须将有记号的牌或是牌套换掉;若是并未利用牌套,则上牌套来盖掉记号。|\\ In the event that a player’s cards or sleeves are marked, they need to become unmarked. There are often traders at larger tournaments such as a Magic Fest, and smaller MCQs and other Competitive REL events are often held in a store, where sleeves may be purchased cheaply and quickly. If we are only talking about a few cards, most packs of sleeves come with a few extra, or perhaps the player can swap marked sleeves with unmarked sleeves from the sideboard. This is especially important in events where a player has not sleeved their decks — with the frequency that a deck of Magic cards must be shuffled, unsleeved cards get marked quickly.\\ 当发现牌手使用带记号的牌或牌套时,需要想办法把这些记号去掉。在诸如万智节这样的大型比赛赛场里通常有售牌的摊位,而较小的MCQ等其他竞争级比赛一般都是在牌店内举行,这些地方都能很方便、便宜地买到牌套。如果只有少量牌有问题,一般来说给一套牌上完牌套都会剩下几张牌套,或者牌手可以把主牌中有记号的牌套跟备牌的没记号牌套换一下。特别对于没有用牌套的牌手而言套上牌套是很重要的——比赛中的洗牌很快会让没有牌套的套牌带上记号。\\ ++ ++如果牌是在比赛中因游戏过程地磨损而有了记号,则主审可以决定给予代牌来使用。|\\ If someone trips over and spills water over a player’s deck, we don’t want it to be the end of that player’s tournament because they can’t play with their cards. Cards damaged or marked in the tournament — as well as misprinted limited product — can have proxies issued at the Head Judge’s discretion, as outlined in MTR 3.4.\\ 如果路人摔了一跤然后把水洒在了牌手的牌上,我们不希望因为这张牌无法继续使用而影响到牌手后面的比赛。在比赛中因某些原因而出现记号或损坏的牌(包括印刷有问题的限制赛产品)可以由主审做出代牌来替代。(MTR 3.4)\\ ++ **Upgrade: If the player is unable to find replacement cards, they may replace those cards with any combination of cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain or Forest. As the decklist is being changed to match the new contents of the deck, the penalty is a Game Loss. This change may be reverted at a later point without further penalty if replacements for marked cards are found.** ++升级:假如牌手无法得到符合规定的牌,他可用任意组合且名称为平原、海岛、沼泽、山脉、或树林的牌来取代这些牌。由于套牌登记表将根据套牌新的内容进行修改,处罚为一盘负。如果牌手在稍后时段找到了符合规定的牌,可将此更改恢复原状且不会再有更多的处罚。|\\ If a player can no longer play with certain cards due to them being illegal (for example, the player's four foil Huntmasters of the Fells were bowed, and so can’t be used, so the player now has a 56-card deck), the player may replace those cards with other copies of the same card, or with any combination of cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain or Forest. If the player opt to find replacement cards, please ask them to hurry, and give them 10 minutes before assessing a Tardiness Penalty. If the player adds any of the named basic land cards instead, the decklist should be changed to reflect what the player is actually now playing. We issue the player with a Game Loss because of the changed decklist which means they also won’t receive a Decklist Problem penalty if they receive a deck check later. If the player ends up finding replacements for any reason, we can reverse this change, this time without any penalty. \\ 如果牌手套牌中的有些牌不能在接下来的比赛中使用了(比如有四张闪堕者猎师弯了,把它们剔出去之后套牌变成了56张。),那位牌手可以使用同名牌来替代他们,或者拿任意组合且名称为平原、海岛、沼泽、山脉、或树林的牌来替代。如果他们决定去找替代品,请要求他们尽快并给他们10分钟,超过时限则有可能得到迟到的判罚。如果那位牌手决定加入几张以上名字的基本地,那么他的套牌登记表也应该被相应的修改。由于修改了牌表,我们判罚牌手一盘负,这也意味着他们如果稍后在比赛中遇到套牌抽查的话不会受到套牌登记表问题的处罚。如果不论什么原因,牌手最终找到了替代品,我们可以将变更复原,并且这一次不再给予任何判罚。\\ ++ **Upgrade: If the Head Judge believes that a deck’s owner noticing the pattern of markings would be able to gain substantial advantage from this knowledge, the penalty is a Game Loss.**\\ ++升级:如果主审相信套牌的拥有者已经注意到记号的模式,且有可能利用此信息得到潜在优势,则处罚为一盘负。|\\ A marking of cards that is a distinguishable pattern is normally more of a problem than the odd scuffed corner. For example, in a case where a player’s sleeves are not opaque, double-faced cards such as Huntmaster of the Fells can be seen through the back of them. Because all of the player’s Huntmasters of the Fells are marked in this way, it is possible to utilize the upgrade path on this. Other examples include: 11 cards have markings in the corner and 10 of them are land; all reanimation targets in a deck are slightly bent; in a post sideboard deck, sideboard cards are noticeably less scuffed.\\ 一个有规律的记号牌通常情况下要比普通的牌套磨损要严重的多。比如,一位牌手的牌套并不是完全不透明的,看背面便可以识别出牌套里的堕者猎师。因为他所有的堕者猎师都可以这样被分辨出来,所以可以考虑将罚则升级。其他的例子包括:11个翘边的牌套里有10张是地;一套牌里所有的掘坟目标都轻微的弯曲了;在套牌中所有备牌的牌套都显得更新一些。\\ ++ [[:IPG:3.7|3.7. 比赛失误~违反交流原则]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.9|3.9. 比赛失误~未充分洗牌]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}