[[:IPG:3.5|3.5. 比赛失误~套牌问题]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.7|3.7. 比赛失误~违反交流原则]] ====== 3.6 Limited Procedure Violation 违反限制赛流程 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player commits a technical error during a draft.**\\ ++牌手在轮抽过程当中犯下了技术性失误。|\\ A technical error in this situation means any error that is involved with the drafting process. When this infraction is given out, the scenario is normally, but not always, a timed draft. This means that we have some serious time constraints to complete the draft within. Technical errors like this cause delays, and at something like Grand Prix Day 2 draft, will cause the entire room to be held up.\\ 技术性的失误指的是任何在轮抽过程中出现的错误。这个违规通常是(但并不是所有都)在计时的轮抽比赛中,这意味着我们对于完成那场轮抽有着严格的时间限制。这样的技术性失误会造成整个轮抽进程被拖慢,或者类似的情形在GP的第二天,这将让整个比赛中的所有人的时间被耽误。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player passes a booster to their left when it is supposed to go to their right.**\\ ++A. 牌手在该往右手边传时,将补充包传向左手边。|\\ If a player does this, it can have a cascade effect on the rest of the draft – either it is caught immediately by a player either side of the offending player, or the booster is picked up and used to make picks, further complicating the problem.\\ 如果有牌手这么做了,这将会像连锁反应一样影响整个轮抽:有可能这个错误立刻被其他牌手发现,或者被另一位牌手拿起来看到正面甚至从中抽选一张,使问题更加复杂化。\\ ++\\ **B. A player exceeds the amount of time allotted for a draft pick.**\\ ++B. 牌手没有在指定时间内抽选牌。|\\ A timed draft is timed so that the draft can be carried out in an efficient and timely manner, in addition to the added benefits of coordinating multiple drafts at once. If a player exceeds the time limit, that player is again causing a delay to the draft, which is not a thing that should go unnoticed.\\ 计时的轮抽的目的在于缩短时长,使轮抽变得高效,还可以同时协调多个轮抽。如果牌手超过了限时,那么他就拖慢了轮抽的进程,这不是一个可以忽略不计的事情。\\ ++\\ **C. A player puts a card on top of their draft pile, then pulls it back.**\\ ++C. 牌手将牌放到自己的轮抽牌堆,之后又将该牌拿回来。|\\ This is a large concern, as when a player does this, it can look to other players, spectators, and judges as though the player has taken more than one card from the booster pack. This has one of two resolutions – the player is “allowed” to take these two cards, or the time of tournament officials is taken up by a “non-issue”. Either of these are bad for the tournament integrity – they can increase the chance of mixing cards from the pack with cards that are already selected. Players are instructed in timed drafts to select a card at a specific point – not doing this at that point can fall under issue b) above.\\ 这是一个大问题。如果有牌手这么干了,在其他牌手、旁观者和裁判看来,这位牌手可能从这一包中拿了一张以上的牌。这种情况有两种处理方式:“允许”那位牌手保留那两张牌,或者裁判们的时间被“不是问题的问题”占用。这两种方式都会危害比赛的公正性,因为这会增加把补充包里的牌和抽选过的牌混到一起的几率。在计时的轮抽赛中,牌手应该在指定的时间点之前选择牌,没有照做的牌手将归于上面所述的例子B。\\ ++\\ **D. A player moves their head to the side at inappropriate times.**\\ ++D. 牌手在不适当的时间转动脑袋。|\\ This example gives judges some leeway to use LPV when they see a player making movements with their head. Use common sense here and be sure to consider Cheating if you believe the player is doing this to obtain hidden information.\\ 这个例子给了裁判一些余地,使得裁判可以在看到牌手的脑袋有所动作时适用这条违规。使用常识进行判断,如果你相信牌手如此做是为了获取隐藏信息,请务必考虑是否属于作弊。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Errors in draft are disruptive and may become more so if they are not caught quickly. Announcements prior to the draft or the specific tournament rules for the format may specify additional penalties for Limited Procedure Violations.**\\ ++轮抽流程中的失误会造成比赛中断,且不及早发现会影响更剧。|\\ During a draft there are many parts that need to be kept moving in order to have a smooth transition into swiss rounds. Problems can have a ripple effect and get larger if not detected and corrected right away. Such errors can add up among dozens sometimes even THOUSANDS of players in a short time. It is vital that players pay attention to, and follow instructions during these critical parts of the event.\\ 在轮抽中,有许多步骤需要在瑞士轮开始之前完成,只有保证这些步骤有序进行才能保证后续比赛的顺利展开。这期间出现的问题如果得不到及时妥当的处理将会对后面的比赛产生连锁性的影响。在几十人甚至几千人的比赛中,这种问题可能同时出现很多。在比赛的这些关键部分中,牌手能够注意并遵循指令是非常重要的。\\ ++ ++轮抽前的说明,或是此赛制特定的赛场规则,可能会指明违反限制赛流程的额外处罚。|\\ Format-specific notices may change the way that this penalty is applied – for example, there may be supplementary announcements and reminders about removing tokens and basic land cards. For Modern Masters drafts, it is possible that the draft is interrupted by the presence of a foil in each pack. For draft formats involving Innistrad and Dark Ascension drafts, the Head Judge may wish to announce a specific way to handle double-faced cards with regards to this infraction. It allows some additional instruction or leeway – based on the decision of the Head Judge – to be given. This sentence basically gives the judge the power required to make a draft occur in a specific way if needed.\\ 与赛制有关的通知可能会影响这个判罚的适用范围。比如一个补充公告提醒牌手们在轮抽的时候把衍生物与基本地从包里拿出来。对于摩登大师轮抽赛,有可能轮抽会因为每包一张的闪卡而中断。在包含依尼翠或者黑影笼罩系列的轮抽赛中,主审可能决定宣布用一个特殊的方式来处理双面牌。根据主审的决定,可能会产生一些额外的指令或者可以宽松处理的空间。IPG中的这句话实际上赋予了裁判在必要的情况下更改比赛中轮抽规则的权利。\\ ++ [[:IPG:3.5|3.5. 比赛失误~套牌问题]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.7|3.7. 比赛失误~违反交流原则]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}