[[:IPG:3.2|3.2. 比赛失误~外来协助]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.4|3.4. 比赛失误~套牌登记表问题]] ====== 3.3 Slow Play 游戏进行过慢 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player takes longer than is reasonably required to complete game actions. If a judge believes a player is intentionally playing slowly to take advantage of a time limit, the infraction is Unsporting Conduct — Stalling.**\\ ++牌手在超过完成游戏中动作所需时间超过了合理的时长。|\\ Players are required to play at a reasonable pace, but what is a reasonable pace? It's not really defined anywhere. There is no explicit number of seconds to make a decision. If we say "taking longer than 30 seconds to make a decision is slow play," then players can legally take 29 seconds to make every decision, and we have just legalized Stalling. Making a slow play call as a judge is subjective, therefore judges have to use their best judgment when making them. Two methods judges have reported using are: \\ 牌手应该在合理的时间内进行游戏动作,但是什么样才是合理?在这里并没有一个明确的数值,没有规定说必须多少秒之内做出决定。如果我们说“思考30秒及以上没做决定将得到游戏进行过慢”,那么每位牌手将有合法的29秒时间去做决定,同时使得“拖延”合法化。游戏进行过慢依靠裁判的主观判断,因此裁判必须尽其所能的来判断这是否是游戏进行过慢。有两种裁判们在用的方法:\\ • If you have had time to assess the board, figure out what to do, and then get bored, it's Slow Play\\ • 如果你有时间观察场面信息,并想出这个局面如果是你会怎么打,接着你感到无聊了,那么这个时候就属于游戏进行过慢;\\ • If you start wondering if you should give Slow Play, you should have already given it.\\ • 当你开始考虑是不是该给游戏进行过慢的判罚时候,那你就应该给了。\\ ++ ++如果裁判相信牌手是蓄意进行过慢,来取得时间限制上的优势,则此违规应为“举止违背运动道德~拖延”。|\\ Players can be playing slowly without realizing it and unintentionally. If they are playing slowly with the specific purpose of eating up time on the clock (either to cement the win, or force a draw, or for other reasons) then it’s not Slow Play, it's Stalling (i.e. cheating). Keep in mind they are very difficult to tell apart.\\ 牌手有时确实会在无意识、并非故意的情况下玩的过慢。如果牌手故意减缓自己的行动速度来蚕食剩下的游戏时间(包括巩固自己的优势、拖平、或者任何其他原因)那么就不是游戏行进过慢,那是“举止违背运动道德~拖延”,是作弊行为。但是请记住它们与游戏进行过慢之间很难分辨。\\ ++ **It is also slow play if a player continues to execute a loop without being able to provide an exact number of iterations and the expected resulting game state.**\\ ++如果牌手在重复执行系列动作时,不能准确说出该操作反复进行的次数及最终所期望的游戏状态,此情况亦属于游戏进行过慢。|\\ This is one of those sentences that whole articles can be written about. Most loops have a finite ending — I do X 10 times, but stop early if Y happens. Using the rules for shortcuts as found in the MTR, you must also be able to explain the specific end state. There are many loops out there where they will reach a certain condition “eventually.” Eventually is not a specific number. These loops end states are also not specific enough. You cannot perform the loop “Mill myself until the last 2 cards in my library are Emrakul” because you can't specify how many times you will need to loop to get to that state. You could loop “A million times!” but there is still a chance it won’t happen until the million and first. Fine, I loop 2 Million times! There is still the chance it won't happen. It doesn't matter how small the chance of failure is; if it’s there, you can't loop. Also, if the opponent wants to respond when you have milled both Emrakuls and both shuffle triggers are on the stack, how do you determine which state happens first?\\ 这句话展开了写可以写出一大篇文章。大部分的循环都有一个有限的次数——我进行X动作十次,但是如果发生了Y事件的话就提前停止。但是MTR中的关于简化的规则表示,你必须同时能够说出明确的结束状态。也有很多循环有可以“最终”达成明确的结束状态。但是“最终”并不是一个准确数字。你不能进行这样的循环:“磨我自己的牌库,直到我牌库里只剩两张伊莫库”,因为你不能准确说出需要达成这个结果所需的次数。你可以说“来一百万次!”,但是这样仍有几率无法达成所说的状态。“好吧,再来1百万次!”但是状态未出现的可能性仍存在。不管无法达成状态的可能性有多小,只要有,你就不能进行这样的循环。而且,如果对手想要在你将两个伊莫库都磨进坟墓场、两个洗牌触发都在堆叠上时进行响应,你要怎么确定哪个游戏状态会先发生?\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player repeatedly reviews their opponent’s graveyard without any significant change in game state.**\\ **A. 牌手在游戏状态没有大幅改变的情况下,不停地检视对手的坟墓场。**\\ **B. A player spends time writing down the contents of an opponent’s library while resolving Thought Hemorrhage.**\\ **B. 牌手在思想溢血/Thought Hemorrhage结算时,花时间将对手牌库的内容全部写下来。**\\ **C. A player takes an excessive amount of time to shuffle their deck between games.**\\ **C. 在两盘游戏之间,牌手花费了过多的时间来洗牌。**\\ **D. A player gets up from their seat to look at standings or goes to the bathroom without permission of an official.**\\ ++D. 牌手离开座位去检视排名,或是没有工作人员的允许而前往洗手间。|\\ Examples A,B,C, and D all are all cases of unnecessary and excessive actions that do not progress the game. For Example D, if a player has to leave the game for a restroom break, they should seek permission from a judge. Upon return, a time extension will be issued. Keep in mind that you should always let the player go to the bathroom. The penalty is not because you went to the bathroom, it's because you left your opponent and didn't tell a judge.\\ 例子A、B、C、D都是牌手进行了过多的、不必要的且不推动游戏进行的动作。在例子D中,如果牌手需要离开对局去厕所或者休息一下,那么他应该向裁判申请。等他回来的时候,为那桌补时。记住,裁判应该允许牌手去洗手间。判罚不是因为牌手去了洗手间,而是因为你离开座位而没有通知裁判。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **All players have the responsibility to play quickly enough so that their opponents are not at a significant disadvantage because of the time limit. A player may be playing slowly without realizing it. A comment of “I need you to play faster” is often appropriate and all that is needed. Further slow play should be penalized.**\\ ++所有牌手都有迅速进行游戏的责任,以让对手不会因为时间限制而有明显的不利。|\\ In some professional sports taking advantage of the clock is a legal strategy. In Magic, we want matches to be determined by actually playing the game, not the clock. Time is a shared resource between players, and we do not want one player to consume more time than is reasonable to complete their actions. Complex combos may require more time to perform actions because there are more actions to perform, however wasted time is taking time from the opponent. Both players are expected to play at a pace that allows the match to conclude in the allowed time.\\ 在某些专业体育项目的规则中,利用时间来取得优势是符合规则的战术。但是在万智牌中,我们希望比赛的结果取决于万智牌的对战,而不是时间。时间是双方牌手共享的资源,我们不希望其中一位牌手占据超过合理范围的时间来进行游戏动作。复杂的组合技有很多动作需要完成,因而可能需要更多的时间,但在双方共享对局时间的游戏中,浪费时间就是从对手那里夺取时间。双方牌手都应该按照合理的步调进行游戏,让比赛在合理的时间内结束。\\ ++ ++牌手可能会无意间进行游戏过慢。对牌手说 “我希望你能进行的快速一点”通常就够了,而也只需要如此处理。再进一步的进行过慢就必须给予处罚。|\\ A player who is deep in thought may not be aware that they have used a lot of time. People are bad at estimating time and might think it's only been ten seconds when it’s been fifty. In these cases it’s OK to step in a give a little nudge to play faster. This nudge is not a formal penalty or a Warning, it's a ‘caution.’ If the player makes their play quickly and continues at a reasonable pace, everything is fine. It's also worth noting that some judges don’t start with a caution. This is also OK.\\ 一位陷入沉思的牌手可能意识不到自己用了太多的时间。人们并不擅长计算时间,可能你以为过了10秒,其实已经是50秒了。在这个例子中你可以上前给他一点提醒让他进行的快一些。这个提醒并不是一个正式的处罚或者一个“警告”,而是一个“注意”。如果那位牌手采取了行动,后面动作的进行也恢复到了正常步调,那么就行了。值得一提的是有些裁判并不从“注意”开始,这也是可以的。\\ ++ ++再进一步的进行过慢就必须给予处罚。|\\ If a player has already been cautioned to make decisions, and doesn't make a decision in a timely manner, or the next decision is also slow, then the next step will be to issue a Warning. If a Warning has already been issued, then a second resulting Warning will be upgraded to a Game Loss (with the Head Judge‘s concurrence). When giving a Warning, double check with the player whether this is the first time a Slow Play Warning has been issued for today's tournament.\\ 如果一位牌手已经被要求“注意”该作出决定了,但是之后还是没有及时作出决定,或者下个决定做的依然很慢,那么就需要给出“警告”。如果他已经因此获得过“警告”,那么第二个警告将会被升级为“一盘负”(在主审的同意下)。在给出游戏行进过慢的警告判罚之前,请确认这位牌手是否在今天的比赛中获得过同样的警告。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **In the event that the match exceeds the time limit, two additional turns are added to the number of additional turns played. This turn extension occurs before any end-of-match procedure can begin and after any time extensions that may have been issued.**\\ ++若对局超出时间限制,则游戏将进行的延长回合数增加两个。|\\ There is no way to quantify how much time has been lost in the match because of a player playing slowly. Instead of giving a time extension, the remedy is to add two additional turns if the match goes to time. These turns may be taken by the same player if ‘take an extra turn after this one’ effects are used.\\ 没有办法来度量一位牌手缓慢的动作消耗了对局中的多长时间。作为补时的替代,补救措施是在比赛时限已到后额外延长两个回合。如果有牌手使用了“进行额外回合”效应的话,这些回合可能会由同一位牌手进行。\\ ++ ++此延长回合会先于对局结束流程发生,且会在已有的任何补时结束之后才开始计算。|\\ Those turns have to be put somewhere.\\ 这个补的回合总得找个地儿放。\\ ++ **No additional turns are awarded if the match is already in additional turns, though the Warning still applies.**\\ ++正在进行延长回合的对局不该再给予延长回合,不过还是要给予警告。|\\ If a game has gone to time after a time extension, and players are in the five extra turns for end of match procedures, then no extra turns will be given for slow play because you aren't “on the clock” anymore.\\ 如果一桌已经在数回合了,那么给出游戏行进过慢判罚就不需要再补额外的回合,因为他们已经不计时了。\\ For further reference on Slow Play, see this article: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2012/12/25/slow-play/\\ 更多关于游戏进行过慢的信息,参见这篇文章:http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2012/12/25/slow-play/\\ ++ [[:IPG:3.2|3.2. 比赛失误~外来协助]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.4|3.4. 比赛失误~套牌登记表问题]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}