[[:IPG:3|3. 比赛失误]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.2|3.2. 比赛失误~外来协助]] ====== 3.1 Tardiness 迟到 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player is not in their seat at the beginning of a round, or has not completed tasks assigned within the time allocated. If a round begins before the previous round would have ended (due to all players finishing early), tardiness does not apply until the scheduled end of the previous round. **\\ ++牌手并未在一局比赛开始时坐在自己的座位上,或未能在规定的时间内完成指定的任务。|\\ There are many parts of a Magic Tournament that revolve around time — 20 minutes for this, 10 minutes for that. Players are given sufficient time to accomplish tasks, and failure to complete these tasks within the time limits slows the event down. Most of the explanation of why this is an infraction is in the Philosophy section.\\ 万智牌比赛中有很多时间相关的规定——20分钟用来干这个,10分钟用来干那个。这些规定给了牌手充足的时间来完成对应的工作,而不能按时完成将会拖慢整个比赛的进程。大部分解释这种行为为何属于违规的话题属于下面的“原则”部分。\\ ++ ++如果某局的开始时间早于前一局比赛原本预计结束的时间(由于所有牌手都提前完成对局),则要等到前一句比赛预计结束的时间之后,才会开始适用“迟到”违规。|\\ This happens rarely at competitive events, but occasionally all the match results are in with 10 minutes remaining on the clock. Round started at 1:00, and at 1:40, everything is done. Let's go ahead and start the next round! The problem here is that the announced end time was 1:50. It's unrealistic to expect a player who finished early and ran to get some food to know that the round is starting early. Therefore, even if you start the next round at 1:43, people aren't actually late until 1:50. When they show up, give the appropriate time extension based on the 1:43 start time, but the penalty based on the 1:50 start time. This means that it's possible that starting a round early won't result in any actual saved time, but it's still more likely to do so than not.\\ 这种情况在竞争级的比赛中不太常见,但偶尔也会出现:在这轮结束前10分钟前所有桌都完成了比赛。比赛一点钟开始,在一点四十分的时候,所有桌都打完了。那么我们赶快开下一轮吧!但是问题是之前通知的结束时间是一点五十分,期望所有这轮打完跑去吃饭的牌手知道下轮提前开始是不切实际的。因此,即使你在一点四十三分开始下一轮,牌手在一点五十之前回来都不能算作迟到。他们回来之后,基于这轮的实际开始时间给他们适当的延长时间,同时,迟到的判定将从一点五十分开始。这意味着,提前开始下一轮可能并不能实际节省时间,但是这样做总比不做更有可能节省时间。\\ ++ **If, before or during a match, a player requests and receives permission from a judge for a delay for a legitimate task, such as a bathroom break or finding replacements for missing cards, that player has up to 10 minutes to perform that task before they are considered tardy. If the player takes more than 10 minutes, a Match Loss will be applied. Otherwise, no penalty will be applied and a time extension given for the time taken.**\\ ++如果,在对局开始或进行过程当中,牌手请求并得到裁判准许延时且行为合理(例如上洗手间、寻找遗失牌张的代用品),则该牌手有至多10分钟时间来执行相关请求,倘若超时便会视作迟到。如果该牌手花费超过10分钟的时间,则其会受到一局负。如果少于10分钟,则没有处罚,且会依照所用的时间给予相应补时。|\\ This part here should be pretty self explanatory. If the player needs to perform a legitimate task, let them. Smoking, or buying snacks, or finishing a trade aren’t legitimate reasons. This also doesn’t mean that they have unlimited time. In fact, they should perform the task without delay. Impress upon them that they need to hurry back. They have 10 minutes to accomplish the task, at which point, if they haven’t completed it, they receive a Match Loss and are dropped from the event, the same as any Tardiness upgrade. This is to mitigate the impact to the event as long extensions impact everyone else. It is also to establish an absolute upper bound on how much time a player to perform the task. Now, that doesn’t mean the player can wander off and do other things as well. If they were given time to go to the bathroom, that doesn’t include stopping at the counter to buy a snack.\\ 这一段自身就解释的相当清楚了。如果牌手有合理的理由去做一些事,请让他们去做。去抽烟、买零食、或完成交易并不算合理的理由。这也并不意味着他们有无限制的时间去做。事实上,他们需要毫无迟延地去做这些事。请让他们留意他们必须赶紧回来。他们有10分钟时间来完成这些事,如果超出这个时间,他们将会得到一局负并从比赛中退赛,这与迟到的升级判罚一致。这是为了减少对整场比赛的影响,因为过长的加时会影响比赛中的每一个人。这一条也制定了一个绝对的上限,限制牌手要在多少时间之内做完这些事。即使如此,这也不意味着牌手可以到处闲逛去做其他事情。如果给了牌手时间去洗手间,这并不包括允许他们在小卖部停下来买个零食吃。\\ When the player returns, give the match the appropriate extension.\\ 当牌手回来时,给予该对局适当的加时。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player arrives to their seat 5 minutes after the round begins.**\\ ++A. 牌手在一局开始5分钟后才到他的座位。|\\ If a player isn’t in their seat when the round starts, they are tardy. As we will see below, the Tournament Organizer/Head Judge may allow some additional time before this penalty is assessed, but 5 minutes is outside what is reasonable to allow.\\ 如果一位牌手在一轮开始的时候并未出现在他的座位上,那么他迟到了。正如后面即将提到的,比赛主办人或者主审可能会多等几分钟,给这位牌手一些机会,但是5分钟已经超出了容许的范畴。\\ ++\\ **B. A player hands in their decklist after the time designated by the judge or organizer.**\\ ++B. 牌手在裁判或主办人规定的时间之后才交出套牌登记表。|\\ Again, time limits are in place for a reason. Players are expected to turn in lists at the appropriate time. Allowing them additional time to tweak their deck gives them an advantage.\\ 再次重申,时间限制的存在是有原因的。牌手应该在适当的时间内提交牌表。给予牌手额外的时间,从而让其有可能修改套牌,将会使他们有额外的优势。\\ ++\\ **C. A player loses their deck and cannot find replacement cards within the first 10 minutes of the round.**\\ ++C. 牌手遗失了他的套牌,且无法在本局比赛开始10分钟之内找到替换的牌。|\\ In addition to being on-time for a match, a player is expected to be on-time with their stuff. However, if they arrive on time and discover that they have lost their deck or some cards, we do allow them time to go find replacements. This is not a Game Loss at this time. However, the player has a maximum of 10 minutes into the round to find replacements. If they exceed this time limit, give the player Tardiness with the upgraded penalty.\\ 牌手除了应该准时进行对局以外,还应该保管好自己的物品。但是,如果牌手准时到场,却发现丢了套牌或者其中的某些牌,我们应当给他一些时间让他找到替代品。在此时还不是一盘负。但是,牌手最多有10分钟的时间(从本轮开始起计算)来找到替代品。若超过此时限,他将受到升级的迟到判罚(一局负)。\\ ++\\ **D. A player sits at an incorrect table and plays the wrong opponent.**\\ ++D. 一位牌手坐错桌,并且跟错误的对手进行对局。|\\ While you can try to make an argument that the player was on time, they still weren’t in the right place. I can be on time too, if I can be at the concession stand when time is called.\\ 虽然牌手可以争论说自己“准时到达”,他还是没有准时到达正确的地方。你可以尝试跟他这么说:反正我是到了,那如果在比赛开始的时候我在摊位那里也算是没迟到咯?\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Players are responsible for being on time and in the correct seat for their matches, and for completing registrations in a timely manner. The Tournament Organizer may announce that they are giving the players some additional time before a penalty is issued. Otherwise, the penalty is issued as soon as the round begins.**\\ ++牌手有责任准时抵达正确的对局桌,以及在规定的时间内完成登记。|\\ We want players to be on time. Players should not be sitting around waiting for their opponents to show up. It's unfair to the people who follow the rules. Also, because matches are 50 minutes, if a player is late, we give a time extension so that they have 50 minutes. This means the tournament as a whole can be delayed. Judges like the trains to run on time, so we treat Tardiness very seriously. We give it a Game Loss, so that players treat it seriously as well. If Tardiness was just a warning, there wouldn't be much incentive to be in your seat at the start of the round after you decided to go and get food.\\ 我们希望牌手可以守时。牌手不应该坐在桌前等待他的迟到对手出现。这对于遵守规则的牌手是不公平的。同时,因为对局时限是50分钟,如果一位牌手迟到了,我们要补时以保证他们有50分钟进行对局。这意味着整个比赛都可能会被拖慢。裁判更希望比赛这趟列车能够准点到达,因此会非常严肃地对待迟到。迟到将得到一盘负,这样牌手们也会更加严肃对待迟到。如果迟到只是警告的话,离开赛场跑去吃饭的牌手可能会产生“晚回去一点也没事儿”的想法。\\ The same logic applies to turning in decklists. Players respond to incentives. And a Game Loss for not completing decklist registration is an incentive to be on time.\\ 上面所说的同样适用于上交牌表。不吃到一盘负会成为牌手的动力,让他们准时的上交牌表。\\ ++ ++比赛主办人可以自行决定判处“迟到”此违规的额外等待时限,并向参赛牌手宣布。否则,在此局开始的同时就要给予一盘负的处罚。|\\ Occasionally a Tournament Organizer (or Head Judge) will allow players a bit more time to get to their seats. This is generally used when there is something odd with the venue that hinders players moving around (too many people for the store, pairings in choke points, having to use a second room, etc.). If this is the case, it is announced at the beginning of the event, and doesn't change. The length of the additional time is also variable. It used to be set to 3 minutes, but now Tournament Organizers have options. However, it is not recommended you go over 3 minutes. If there was no “grace period”, the penalty is earned at the beginning of the round.\\ 比赛主办人(或者主审)偶尔会给牌手更多的时间来找到自己的座位。这通常会出现在比赛环境有些问题,导致牌手难以在场地中走动的时候。(比如:店里人太多场地过于拥挤;张贴配对的位置无法容纳太多人;比赛场地由多个房间组成等等)。在这种情况下,你需要在比赛开始的主审宣告时声明,同时比赛过程中不能更改。额外时间的长度可以自行决定。以前这个选项固定是3分钟,不过现在比赛主办人可以自行选择。然而,最好不要超过3分钟。如果在比赛开始时没有这种特殊说明,那么每轮开始没有到达座位的牌手都算是迟到。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **The players are given a time extension corresponding to the length of the tardiness.**\\ ++根据迟到耽误时间的长短,给予牌手相应的补时。|\\ If the tardy player does show up, give the match an extension, even if there is a Game Loss. The players still get the 50 minute match that they paid for. They probably won't need it, but they still get it.\\ 如果一位迟到的牌手后来赶到了,即使已经给出了一盘负,也需要给他那桌进行补时。这一桌仍然应有50分钟来完成比赛。虽然一般不需要,但是还是得给。\\ ++ **Upgrade: A player not in their seat 10 minutes into the round will receive a Match Loss and will be dropped from the tournament unless they reports to the Head Judge or Scorekeeper before the end of the round.**\\ ++升级:如果牌手在一局开始10分钟之后才入座,则将得到一局负的处罚;且除非他在该局结束之前向主审或记分员报到,否则将视为从比赛中弃权。|\\ At the 10 minutes into the round, the player gets another Tardiness penalty, with a penalty of a Match Loss. It's assumed that the player isn't coming back, so please mark that the player is dropping on the match slip. It is best practice to let the player who got the win fill out the slip, with the judge marking "No Show" for the player who didn't show up in the drop column, and putting the judges name on the line for the players signature who didn't show up.\\ 在一轮开始的10分钟后,迟到的牌手将得到另一个迟到判罚,这次的处罚是一局负。同时我们可以认为这为牌手不会回来了,所以在成绩条上的退赛一栏做上标记。最佳做法是:让赢得此局的牌手在成绩条上签字,然后裁判在迟到的牌手右面的“退赛”那栏写上“No Show”,再在该牌手签名处签裁判自己的名字。\\ For more information: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2012/06/11/tardiness-kevin-desprez/\\ 更多信息请参见:http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2012/06/11/tardiness-kevin-desprez/\\ ++ [[:IPG:3|3. 比赛失误]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:3.2|3.2. 比赛失误~外来协助]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}