[[:IPG:2.2|2.2. 游戏行动失误~额外看牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.4|2.4. 游戏行动失误~再调度失误]] ====== 2.3 Hidden Card Error 非公开牌张失误 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player commits an error in the game that cannot be corrected by only publicly available information and does so without their opponent’s permission.**\\ ++牌手在游戏中发生失误,但此类失误仅凭可公开获知的信息无法修正,且牌手进行触犯此失误的行动时未得到对手的许可。|\\ Most Game Play Errors can be observed by both players. The window might be small, but it’s visible. Failing to discard a card, casting a spell for the wrong mana; these are things you can see. All the information is out in the open. This isn’t an infraction for those type of errors. This is for when an error occurs and at the point of the error, the opponent has lost the ability to detect how things went wrong, and has no insight into how to fix the game.\\ 绝大多数的游戏行动失误对双方牌手都是可见的。有时发现错误的时机可能很短,但仍然存在可见的时机。例如忘记弃牌、支付错误的法术力施放咒语等;这些都是能看到的部分。信息是公开的。这项违规不是关于这类失误的。这项违规适用于在失误发生时对手没有能力察觉什么地方出了问题,也无法知晓如何修正游戏状态的一类失误。\\ Now, the second clause of that sentence talks about the opponent’s permission. In that case, the opponent is given warning that something is about to go wrong, and agrees to the action. In this case, we do not want to overly penalize the player as the error was ‘visible’ to both players, or incentivize the opponent to “agree” to an action that will get their opponent a harsher penalty. In that case, consider a Game Rule Violation instead.\\ 这句话的后半段提到了对手的许可。所谓对手的许可,是指对手本应察觉到有些事情会出错,但却同意了牌手做出了错误的行动。这一句是想要表明,我们不应因为双方牌手都可以“看到”失误的发生而过分惩罚牌手,也不应鼓励牌手故意”允许“某些行动发生,以期对手获得更加严厉的判罚。因此,在此情况下我们应该考虑违反游戏规则,而不是非公开牌张失误。\\ ++ **This infraction only applies when a card whose identity is known to only one player is in a hidden set of cards both before and after the error.**\\ ++仅在只有一位牌手知晓内容之牌张在发生失误前后均处于非公开牌叠当中的情况下,此违规才适用。|\\ In this case, hidden locations are the hand, the library, face down cards on the battlefield and face down cards in exile. Unknown cards are when one or more of the players don’t know what the cards are. Note that the identity of the top card of the library is unknown, but the location of the top card is public, something that isn’t always obvious, so a tutor effect that searches for a specific card and puts it on top of the library is putting the card into a “known” position.\\ 我们这里说的“非公开位置”指的是手牌、牌库、战场上牌面朝下的牌、以及放逐区中牌面朝下的牌。未知牌张指的是一个或多个牌手不知道这些牌是什么。注意其中一点,牌库顶牌是什么属于未知的信息,但牌库顶牌的位置是双方都知道的。因此,一个搜寻特定牌并将其放在牌库顶的导师效应是将该牌放到了一个“已知”的位置。\\ ++ **If an additional card is seen but not added to the set, the infraction is Game Play Error —Looking at Extra Cards.**\\ ++如果牌手看到了额外的牌,但并未将其加入任何牌叠,这属于游戏行动失误~额外看牌。|\\ This line is here to give a distinction between when a player action should be considered HCE versus GPE - Looking at Extra Cards. If we use Dig Through Time as an example, if a player resolving this spell looks at eight cards rather than seven, we have the wrong number in the set. This is HCE, as the set contains a card it should not, and that set is hidden. If, however, during the resolution of Dig Through Time, a player looks at seven cards, but knocks the eighth card off the deck while picking up those seven, then that eighth card is not a part of the set, and should be treated as a GPE - Looking at Extra Cards infraction.\\ 这句话是用来区分牌手的行为是属于非公开牌张失误还是额外看牌的。我们拿历时挖掘举个例子,如果牌手在结算该咒语时检视了八张而不是七张牌,牌叠中的牌数量便是不正确的。这就是非公开牌张失误,因为牌叠中有一张牌是不应该在这个牌叠中的,且该牌叠是非公开的。然而,如果在历时挖掘结算过程中,牌手检视了七张牌,却不小心在拿起这七张牌时把第八张牌碰掉了,那么这第八张牌便不是牌叠的一部分,且应该使用额外看牌处理该违规。\\ Additionally, if a player goes to scry one card, and accidentally picks up two, This could still be Looking at Extra Cards. The difference does require a bit of common sense, as defining an exact technical line between HCE and Looking at Extra Cards is would require a lot of text and examples and still not cover everything. Take a moment to consider whether Looking at Extra Cards is a more appropriate infraction, whether the player made a mistake in the number of cards or the number of cards was an accident, and whether the player has already started to make decisions about the set of cards.\\ 进一步说,如果一位牌手应该占卜一张牌,却不小心拿起了两张牌,这也可能属于额外看牌。区分这两种违规需要具有一定的常识判断力,给非公开牌张失误和额外看牌从定义上划分一个非常明确的界限,需要使用大量的文字和案例,即便这样也无法涵盖所有可能发生的情况。因此在下结论之前要多想,额外看牌是不是更适用的判罚,牌手是拿取了错误的牌张数,还是因为某种意外不小心导致张数错误,以及牌手是不是已经开始对这个发生错误的牌叠采取思考或行动。\\ ++\\ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player draws four cards after casting Ancestral Recall.**\\ **A. 牌手施放Ancestral Recall之后抓了四张牌。**\\ **B. A player scries two cards when they should only have scried one.**\\ **B. 牌手在只该占卜一张牌的情况下占卜了两张牌。**\\ **C. A player resolves a Dark Confidant trigger, but forgets to reveal the card before putting it into their hand.**\\ **C. 牌手结算了黑暗亲信/Dark Confidant的触发,但在将牌张置入手中之前忘了展示。**\\ **D. A player has more cards in their hand than can be accounted for.**\\ **D. 牌手的手牌数量比其应有的数量多。**\\ **E. A player casts Anticipate and picks up the top four cards of their library.**\\ **E. 牌手施放预先考虑/Anticipate,并拿起了其牌库顶的四张牌。**\\ **F. A player, going first, draws for their turn.**\\ ++F. 先手的牌手在第一回合开始时抓了牌。|\\ Some of these examples look like the infraction GPE - Looking at Extra Cards. The important distinction is that if a player ends up with more cards than they are supposed to, either in their hand, or in a set of cards they are performing an action on, then it falls under the GPE - Hidden Card Error infraction. If they’ve only seen one or more extra cards because the card has been flipped over or some other dexterity issue that reveals a card to the player then treat the infraction as GPE - Looking at Extra Cards.\\ 其中的一些范例看起来很像额外看牌。关键的区别在于牌手得到了较应得数目为多的牌(不论是手牌还是他们将要执行动作的一堆牌),违规便应当是非公开牌张失误。如果牌手只是翻起了、或因为手脚笨拙导致看到了一张或多张牌,按照额外看牌处理违规。\\ Example C only applies if the player remembers the Dark Confidant trigger and doesn’t reveal the card before putting the card into their hand. If the player draws for the turn before remembering, it’s treated as a missed trigger.\\ 例子C只在牌手记得黑暗亲信的触发,但却在将牌放进手里之前没有展示时才是非公开牌张失误。如果牌手在想起触发之前就先抓了本回合的牌,这属于遗漏触发。\\ Example F looks a lot like it might fall under GPE - Mulligan Procedure Error, but it doesn't because the error occurs after the game has begun. Drawing a card on the opening turn while on the play is an example of adding a card that should not be added to a hidden zone, and thus falls under Hidden Card Error.\\ 例子F看起来非常像再调度失误,但却并不是。因为失误发生在游戏已经开始之后。在你先手时抓了第一回合的牌是一个将不应该加入隐藏区域的牌加入其中的例子,因此它应该是非公开牌张失误。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Though the game state cannot be reversed to the ‘correct’ state, this error can be mitigated by giving the opponent sufficient knowledge and ability to offset the error so that it is less likely to generate advantage.**\\ ++虽然犯下此失误之后,没有办法将游戏状态倒回至“正确”的状态,但此类失误也有弥补之法,即是让对手充分获取信息,依其意愿来减轻失误造成的影响,从而使牌手较难从中渔利。|\\ The player with the extra cards has gained information, and that information has been potentially commingled with other cards. Being able to see other information you aren’t supposed to and potentially make decisions or take action on the information or use those resources (cards) is a big deal. We can’t fix it. But we can mitigate it. Your opponent couldn’t witness the error, but by allowing the opponent to participate in the fix, we eliminate any advantage gained from the error, and still provide a strong incentive not to attempt to cheat.\\ 多牌的牌手获得了不应有的信息,并且这个信息可能和其他牌的信息混在一起。能够看到你不应看到的信息、且可能基于这个信息作出决定、采取行动或使用这些资源(牌)是一件大事。我们无法修正信息的获取,但我们可以抵消它带来的影响。虽然对手没有见到错误发生的时刻,但我们可以让对手参与到修正中,来阻止因违规带来的优势,与此同时还能有效地鼓励牌手不要试图作弊。\\ ++ **If cards are placed into a public zone, then their order is known and the infraction can be handled as a Game Rule Violation. Order cannot be determined from card faces only visible to one player unless the card is in a uniquely identifiable position (such as on top of the library, or as the only card in hand.)**\\ ++如果牌张被置入公开区域,这样就能够知晓其顺序,之后便可依照“违反游戏规则”处理此违规。|\\ If cards are revealed for something like a mill effect, where both players can see what’s happening, the infraction isn’t Hidden Card Error, because the cards aren’t hidden. For a mill effect, order is not lost. The information is revealed to everyone and order is maintained. Sounds like all players have all the knowledge, and the judge doesn’t have to worry about one player having information the other doesn’t. In this case, go to the Game Rule Violation infraction.\\ 如果涉及到的牌是被展示出来的(例如磨牌库),双方牌手都能看到发生了什么,那么违规就不是非公开牌张失误,因为这些牌不是非公开的。对于磨牌库效应来说,顺序还没有乱,信息展示给了所有牌手,顺序也能确定,因此所有牌手都有相同的信息,裁判也不用担心其中一位牌手比另一位获得了更多的信息。在此情况下,使用违反游戏规则这项违规。\\ ++ ++如果仅有一位牌手能看到牌面,便无法确定牌张之顺序,但牌张处于可唯一辨识之位置时(例如牌库顶、手上唯一的一张手牌)除外。|\\ This sentence is in here to prevent arguments about which card was the extra card drawn, or what the third card picked up on a scry 2 was. Unless it was visible to both players, you have to treat the cards like they were mixed up. Note, this is different from some cases of Looking at Extra Cards, where the cards are still being separated from the library where there is a clear order. The line between Looking at Extra Cards and Hidden Card Error is when the cards leave the library and the card faces are only visible to one player.\\ 这句话是用来防止牌手争论哪张是额外抓的牌、或占卜2时看到的第三张牌是哪张。除非这张牌对双方牌手都可见,否则你必须将这些牌视为混在一起。注意,这与额外看牌的一些情形(牌在与牌库离开了一定距离的情况下仍然保持了清楚的顺序)有区别。额外看牌与非公开牌张失误的界限在于牌是否离开了牌库并且其牌面只对其中一个牌手可见。\\ ++ **Be careful not to apply this infraction in situations where a publicly-correctable error subsequently leads to an uncorrectable situation such as a Brainstorm cast using green mana. In these situations, the infraction is based on that root cause.**\\ ++但应注意,如果是原本可通过公开方式修正的失误引致无法修复之状况的情形(例如利用绿色法术力来施放脑力激荡/Brainstorm),不要适用此违规。应根据这类情形的根本原因来适用对应的违规。|\\ Look at the root cause. Just because we are NOW in a spot where information has been lost doesn’t mean we started out this way. Another example would be the case of casting Elvish Visionary for UU, and then the player draws a card when the enters the battlefield trigger resolves. Once that card is drawn, that information is lost, but the original problem was the casting of the spell incorrectly and visible to both players.\\ 寻找根本原因。即使现在信息已经泄露,也并不意味着问题的原因是由信息的泄露造成的。另一个例子是使用UU施放了妖精幻视师,然后牌手因其进战场触发抓了一张牌。一旦这张牌抓起来了,信息便泄露了,但造成问题的原因是不正确地施放了咒语,而这个原因是双方牌手都可见的。\\ ++ **Information about cards previously known by the opponent, such as cards previously revealed while on the top of the library or by a previous look at the hand, may be taken into account while determining the set of cards to which the remedy applies.**\\ ++若存在对手先前已知晓的牌张,例如之前展示过的牌库顶牌或检视手牌时看到的牌,则可考虑在此信息的基础上来确定要对哪部分牌叠适用修正。|\\ Even though the contents of a previously revealed hand are not public information, the knowledge of those cards, when agreed upon by both players (such as from notes taken about the hand) may be useful in reconstructing as correct a game state as possible. There is a “may” here, however. If there is doubt or disagreement about what has been revealed some turns back, and you aren’t confident that the set is correct, you may treat the entire set as the grouping to which to apply the remedy.\\ 即使先前展示的内容并非公开信息,对这些牌张的双方牌手都同意的知晓(例如根据手牌内容做的笔记)在尽可能地修复游戏状态时可能会有所帮助。但是,这里有一个“可以”。一旦牌手对先前几个回合展示了什么产生了怀疑或不一致,你又不能确认该部分牌叠的正确性,你仍然可以将整个牌叠作为应修正的部分进行修正。\\ ++ **Always operate on the smallest set possible to remedy the error. This may mean applying the remedy to only part of a set defined by an instruction. For example, if a player resolves Collected Company, picks up three cards with one hand and then four cards with the other, the last drawn set of four cards should be used for the remedy, instead of the full set of seven cards.**\\ ++修正失误时,应尽量从相关牌叠中牌张数量最少者入手。这可能意味着仅对叙述规定之牌叠中的某一部分适用修正。举例来说,如果某牌手在结算征召军伍/Collected Company时用一只手拿起了三张牌,再用另一只手拿起了四张牌,则应对后抓起的这四张牌进行修正,而不是对全部七张。|\\ This section really just enforces that we use common sense to restore the game without too much disruption. In the example given, the player should have looked at six cards on resolution, but looked at seven. Because of the physical way that action was performed, however, it is clear that the first three cards were correct and maintained a clear distance from the other, physically distinct set of four cards. This allows us to apply the fix to that smaller set (four cards versus seven) without advantage gained or lost unduly. Be sure to gain a full understanding of the actions taken with the cards in question before determining if a smaller set will be appropriate (ensure sets didn’t touch or mingle).\\ 这一部分再次强调了我们应该使用常识判断力来尽量恢复游戏状态,减少对游戏的干扰。在上述的例子中,牌手在结算时应该检视六张牌却检视了七张。但是,由于牌手执行该指示使用了这样的动作,我们可以明确前三张牌是正确的、且与其他四张牌保持了清晰的距离。因此我们可以对一个较小的牌叠执行修正,又不会有牌手因此获得或失去利益。请确保你在决定是否对较小的牌叠执行修正前,完全理解牌手使用的动作(保证牌叠之间没有接触或混淆)。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **In cases where the infraction was immediately followed by moving a card from the affected set to a known location, such as by discarding, putting cards on top of the library, or playing a land, a simple backup to the point just after the error may be performed.**\\ ++如果属于违规发生后会立即将牌张从相关牌叠移至已知位置,例如弃牌、将牌置于牌库顶或是使用地,则可以简易倒回至错误刚发生的时点。|\\ This portion of the remedy exists so that the actions taken to mitigate advantage may be applied to all of the cards that should have been involved. A simple backup allows for the set of affected cards to be reconstructed in order for the game to be restored as fairly as possible. This type of action is most likely to arise when a player mistakenly puts too many cards directly into their hand, then makes a play or completes some other action before realizing the error has occurred. In this case, consider the benefits of that simple backup before applying the remedy, so that the card set is as correct as possible. This is NOT a backup to before the error, though, so make sure it is used to restore the set for which the remedy of Hidden Card Error is applied, not to backup to before the Hidden Card Error happened.\\ 这部分修正可以让接下来抵消牌手潜在获利的修正尽量应用于所有受影响的牌张。简易倒回可以修复应当修正的牌叠,使得游戏状态的修复尽可能地公平。这种情况通常发生于牌手错误地多抓了牌,然后在意识到错误之前又做了其他游戏动作。此时应当在应用修正之前先考虑简易倒回,使得应修正的牌叠尽可能地正确。这并不是倒回到错误发生之前,请记住,这个倒回是用来让非公开牌张失误接下来的修正更加正确的,而不是倒回到非公开牌张失误发生之前的。\\ An example of this would be if someone draws 4 cards from a Brainstorm, puts 2 cards on top of their library, then the error is detected. We will return those two cards to the hand before applying any other fix.\\ 举个例子,某牌手脑力激荡抓了4张牌,然后在牌库顶放了两张牌,然后才发现了失误。我们应当先将这两张牌放回手牌,再应用其他修正。\\ ++ **If the set of cards that contained the problem no longer exists, there is no remedy to be applied.**\\ ++如果存在问题之牌叠已不存在,则无需应用修正。|\\ If, during a series of game actions, the affected set of cards has been lost by shuffling them away, and the set cannot reasonably be reconstructed, then there is no set left to which we can apply the remedy. The infraction still exists in this case, and a penalty issued.\\ 如果,在一系列的游戏动作之中,受影响的牌叠已经被洗走而不存在,那么这个牌叠便无法还原,因此便不再存在可以应用修正的牌叠。尽管如此,违规仍然存在,我们仍然要给予判罚。\\ ++ **If the error put cards into a set prematurely and other operations involving cards in the set should have been performed first, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the excess and their opponent chooses a number of previously-unknown cards. Put those cards aside until the point at which they should have been legally added, then return them to the set.**\\ ++如果错误属于未进行本应对相关牌叠中的牌张执行其他行动的情况下,便先行将牌张置入该牌叠中的情形,则该牌手展示包含过量牌张的牌叠,其对手从中选出先前未知的牌张。将这些选出的牌张放在一旁,直到进行到他们应能合乎规则地加入牌叠之后,再将他们移回牌叠。|\\ This is really saying that you can address a complicated situation such as that of “looting” instead of “rummaging.” If a card gave an instruction such as ‘discard a card: draw a card,’ but the player resolves ‘draw a card, then discard a card,’ then we have this remedy available,since the hand now contains a card that shouldn’t be there, but a discard still needs to occur. Since one route to advantage here is the ability to discard the card just drawn, we allow the opponent to identify the card “to be drawn,” and set it aside before applying the remedy. Then, once the remedy has been applied, we return the card to the hand/set, and continue from there.\\ 这句话是告诉你如何解决诸如应当“掠夺”时却执行了“翻拣”这种复杂的问题。如果一张牌指示牌手“弃一张牌:抓一张牌”,但牌手结算的是“抓一张牌,然后弃一张牌”,我们就应该使用这种修正方式,因为手牌中现在包含了一张不应在其中的牌,但我们仍然要弃一张牌。因为如果让牌手现在弃掉刚抓的牌可能就会带来优势,我们现在让对手来确认哪张牌是“应当抓起来的”,然后在执行修正之前将其放在一旁。等修正完成之后,我们将这张牌放回原来的手牌/牌叠,然后从此继续。\\ ++ **If the error involves one or more cards that were supposed to be revealed, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the unrevealed cards and their opponent chooses that many previously-unknown cards. Treat those as the cards that were ‘revealed’ and return them to the set that was being selected from; the player then reperforms the action. If recreating the original selection set and reperforming the action would be too disruptive, leave the selected cards in hand.**\\ ++如果错误涉及本应展示但实际未展示之牌张,则该牌手展示包含此类牌张之牌叠,其对手从中选出等量之先前未知的牌张。将选出的这些牌视作需“展示”的部分,并将它们移回其原本所在之牌叠,然后该牌手重新执行有关动作。如果复原待选牌叠并重新执行动作会对游戏产生过量干扰,则将所选牌张留在手上。|\\ This involve cards put into a hidden zone whose characteristics should have been checked before they moved to that zone. An example of this is Domri Rade’s first ability, which reads “+1: Look at the top card of your library. If it’s a creature card, you may reveal it and put it into your hand.” If the card is put into the hand without being revealed, we can remedy that by revealing the set with the unrevealed card (this case, the hand) and allowing the opponent to choose which card should be treated as the “revealed card(s).” Then, the player reperforms the action (the Domri Rade’s 1 ability in our example). If, for instance, the opponent chooses a non-creature card in the Domri Rade example, that card no longer fits legally in the set (the hand) and should be returned to the top of the library.\\ 这一条主要涵盖一些使牌在进入隐藏区域之前,先验证牌的某些特征的异能。例如多密雷德的第一个异能:“+1:检视你的牌库顶牌。如果它是生物牌,你可以展示之并将其放入手中。”如果该牌未经展示便放进了手中,我们可以展示包含未展示牌张的牌叠(在这个例子里就是手牌)然后让对手从中选择“应当展示的牌”来进行修正。然后牌手重新执行动作(如上例中多密雷德的第一个异能)。在上面的多密例子中,如果对手选择了一张非生物牌,那么这张牌便无法合乎规则地属于这个牌叠(手牌)并且应当移回牌库顶。\\ ++ **If a set affected by the error contains more cards than it is supposed to contain, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the excess and their opponent chooses a number of previously-unknown cards sufficient to reduce the set to the correct size. These excess cards are returned to the correct location. If that location is the library, they should be shuffled into the random portion unless the owner previously knew the identity of the card/cards illegally moved; that many cards, chosen by the opponent, are returned to the top of the library instead. For example, if a player playing with Sphinx of Jwar Isle illegally draws a card, that card should be returned to the top of the library.**\\ ++如果受失误影响之牌叠中包含的牌张数量较其应有数量为多,则该牌手向对手展示包含过量牌张的牌叠,其对手从中选出适量之先前未知的牌张,修正牌叠中的牌张数量。将过量牌张移回其原本所处位置。如果将移回的位置为牌库,则应将其洗回随机的部分;但如果其拥有者先前知道错误移动之牌张的内容,则改为由对手选择同等数量之牌张,并将其移至牌库顶。举例来说,如果某牌手场上有爪尔岛史芬斯,但他错误地抓了一张牌,则应将该牌移回牌库顶。|\\ This is the commonly termed “Thoughtseize” fix. The player with too many cards in the set reveals that set to the opponent, and they choose which card is to be the “excess card(s).” This allows the game to continue while offsetting the very large advantage of an extra card or cards being in hand or another set. Return the excess cards to the location they came from. If that location is the library, we typically do this by shuffling them into the random portion. If the cards were previously known from the top of the library before adding to a set, we return them to the top of the library instead. This exists to remove a minor cheating angle where a player would attempt to use HCE to get a free shuffle if their hand and top of library were bad.\\ 通常把这种修正方式称为“攫取思绪”修正。牌叠中多了牌的牌手将该牌叠展示给对手,然后由对手来选择哪张是“多余的牌”。这样做可以让游戏继续进行,又不至于让多了牌的牌手获得巨大的优势。处理这些多余的牌的方式就是将它们移回其原本所在的位置。如果该位置是牌库,我们通常会将其洗入牌库的随机部分。如果牌库顶的牌在加入牌叠之前就是已知的,我们应改为将其移回牌库顶。这样做是为了消除牌手可能会在手牌和牌库顶都不好的时候试图利用HCE来获取免费洗牌这种作弊的可能性。\\ ++ **Upgrade: If a face-down card cast using a morph ability is discovered during the game to not have a morph ability, the penalty is a Game Loss. If the player has one or more cards with a morph ability in hand, has not added previously unknown cards to their hand since casting the card found in violation, and has discovered the error themselves, the upgrade does not apply and they may swap the card for a card with the morph ability in hand.**\\ ++升级:如果曾以变身异能施放之牌面朝下的牌张在游戏过程中发现实际上不具变身异能,则处罚为一盘负。如果牌手手上有一张或数张具变身异能的牌,而且自施放引致违规之牌张后未曾将其他之前未知的牌张加入手牌,同时又是自己发现的失误,则不适用此升级,可将手上任一此类牌张与此引致违规之牌张交换。|\\ In all but a very few cases, Magic is set up so that both players can see what is going on. Both players are responsible for the game. If you pay the wrong mana for a spell, I can see that. If you put too many counters on a creature, I can also see that. When it comes to accidentally casting a card as though it had the morph ability, the opponent cannot verify that the face down card has morph. For example, playing a Highland Game thinking it is a Temur Charger fits this upgrade path. \\ 除了极少数情况下,万智牌对局中双方牌手都能知道游戏中发生了什么事。双方牌手都需要为游戏负责。如果你错误地支付了咒语的法术力,我能看见。如果你在生物上放了过多的指示物,我也能看见。但当你不小心施放了一张没有变身异能的牌时,我是没法判断出来这张牌是否具有变身异能的。例如,把高地猎物当做铁木尔战马morph施放适用此升级。\\ We also now have a specific option to ignore this upgrade if the player discovers it themselves and hasn’t had any opportunity to add cards to their hand since casting the card. If these conditions are met, rather than upgrading to a game loss, we issue the normal warning and swap the 2 cards.\\ 我们现在也有了明确的选项可以忽略这个升级。如果牌手自行发现了错误,并且在施放这张牌之后还没有任何机会将牌放入手中,我们就可以如常给以警告,并将两张牌进行交换,而不应用升级。\\ ++ [[:IPG:2.2|2.2. 游戏行动失误~额外看牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.4|2.4. 游戏行动失误~再调度失误]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}