[[:IPG:2.1|2.1. 游戏行动失误~遗漏触发]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.3|2.3. 游戏行动失误~非公开牌张失误]] ====== 2.2 Looking at Extra Cards 额外看牌 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player takes an action that may have enabled them to see the faces of cards that they were not entitled to see.**\\ ++牌手采取之行动让他们看到了本不应能检视的牌。|\\ This infraction is pretty easy to commit. Any time that a library is touched, it is possible that a card will be dropped, or flipped over; or when drawing a card, two cards may get stuck or picked up together.\\ 这种违规是相当容易犯的。当你接触牌库时,你有可能会碰掉一张牌,或者翻开一张牌;又或者在你抓牌时抓了一张或两张并看到了下一张的牌面。\\ Generally, when we are talking about Looking at Extra Cards (L@EC), we are talking about a player seeing the face of some card in their own deck. However, you might also see some cards in your opponent’s deck while shuffling it.\\ 一般来说,当提及额外看牌时,我们是在说牌手看到了自己套牌的某些牌的牌面,但是,你也有可能在洗对手套牌时看到其中的某些牌。\\ Be careful not to confuse this infraction with the Hidden Card Error infraction. In particular, the Hidden Card Error infraction covers situations where you are looking at some number of cards on the top of your library and you look at too many of them. So, in this specific case, you are looking at extra cards, but you aren’t Looking At Extra Cards. Does your brain hurt? Mine does.\\ 请小心,不要将这个违规与非公开牌张失误混淆。具体来说,非公开牌张失误包含了你检视牌库顶数张牌时检视了过多牌的情形。在这种情况中虽然你是额外看了牌,但违规却不是额外看牌。头疼吗?我是挺头疼的。\\ As mentioned in the section above, HCE touches similar space to the Looking at Extra Cards infraction. When you are manipulating a set of cards from the top of the library, and you manipulate too many of them, that’s considered HCE. For the purpose of HCE, once the drawn cards have significantly left the library as part of a draw, they can no longer be considered Looking at Extra Cards.\\ 正如上面所提到的,非公开牌张失误(HCE)与额外看牌这两个违规涉及的范围有相似之处。当你操纵牌库顶的一些牌却操纵多了时,这属于非公开牌张失误。在考虑HCE时,一旦所抓的牌在抓的过程中显著离开了牌库,违规便不再是额外看牌。\\ From the explanation released with the most recent change to this infraction, it is stated that "the key [to determining the LEC/HCE border] is to look at whether the opponent intended (mistakenly or not) to pick up that many cards, or if they were trying to pick up the correct number and failed to do so thanks to bad dexterity (as opposed to bad counting!)"\\ 在对这项违规最近一次更动的同时发布的解释中如此说:「[确定LEC和HCE边界线]的关键是看对手是本意(无论这种本意是否出于错误)就是拿起这么多牌,还是在本想拿起正确数量的牌时因为手脚笨拙(而不是因为数错了数!)而没能做到。」\\ Sets are defined in section 1.5, so head there if you need a refresher. Basically, once the card you are just looking at is added to a set of cards, you aren’t looking at it anymore, and the infraction is no longer L@EC but rather HCE. But if you are supposed to Scry 1, and you instead pick up two cards, you didn’t add that second card to the Scry set until you actually start to Scry. Get it? It’s ok if this is a little confusing because this distinction is probably the least clear of anything in this entire guide. Basically, there is a point when picking up those two cards where we transition from “oops, I grabbed a second card” to “I have a second card that I can perform actions on”. Its that point that marks the line between L@EC and HCE in this case.\\ 牌叠的定义在1.5节,如果你不记得的话可以去看一下。简单地说, 一旦你额外看到的牌已经加入了其他牌叠,那么这便不再属于“看牌”,违规应该是非公开牌张失误,而不是额外看牌。但是,如果你应当占卜1,却拿起了两张牌,直到你实际开始占卜之前,你都不算是把第二张牌加入了占卜的牌叠。明白了吗?即使还没明白也没关系,因为这里面的区别可能是这整个AIPG里面最为模糊的部分了。简而言之,在拿起这两张牌时,从「哎呀,我多拿起了一张牌」到「我有第二张牌可以用来执行动作」之间有一个分界点。在这个情形下就是这个分界点区分了LEC和HCE。\\ Looking at Extra Cards also covers when you knock over a card, drop a card while shuffling an opponent’s deck, start to draw a card when you shouldn’t, and milling or dredging too many cards. Milling and Dredging are covered by Looking at Extra Cards because the cards are being placed into a public zone we can all see. However, this only applies if we catch the error right away. If we start to take other actions, we have moved past the point where we can claim we accidentally saw an extra card, and we have instead accepted that card is supposed to be in the graveyard.\\ 额外看牌也适用于你不小心碰掉了一张牌、洗对手的牌时掉了一张牌、当你不应抓牌时却开始抓牌、磨掉了或者发掘了太多牌。磨牌库和发掘归在额外看牌的原因是这些牌张放进了公开区域。但是,这只会在立即发现错误时才算做额外看牌。如果我们开始执行其他动作,我们就越过了可以称为「不小心看到一张额外的牌」的时间点,而变成已经接受了这张牌就应该在坟墓场。\\ Sometimes players put cards on the table face down before drawing them, for the purpose of counting the cards or for thinking before putting the cards into the hand. This is not forbidden and judges should not penalize it. In this situation the difference is that the player does it intentionally and takes care about not seeing any cards improperly. This statement also applies to the HCE infraction.\\ 有时牌手在抓牌前将牌面朝下的置于桌面上以计算数量或在放入手牌前思考。这并不是被禁止的,裁判也不该惩处此类行为。这种情况与额外看牌的不同是,牌手有意识地做出这样的动作,并且小心不会看到任何不该看的牌。在考虑非公开牌张失误时同样应当注意这一点。\\ Dropping a card while shuffling your own library is not Looking at Extra Cards. Just put the card back and continue to randomize your deck. \\ 在洗你自己的牌库时掉落一张牌并不是额外看牌。将牌放回牌库继续随机化即可。\\ Observing the face of a card your opponent dropped or flipped is also not Looking at Extra Cards. There are two reasons for this: 1) If a player could drop a card and get their opponent a Warning, they are going to messy-shuffle their way into a top 8. 2) MTR 3.12 allows players to reveal hidden information to their opponent that they are entitled to know.\\ 观察到你对手掉落或者翻开的牌面同样也不是额外看牌。原因有两点:1)如果牌手可以掉落一张牌而使对手获得警告,他就可以胡乱洗牌将自己送入8强。2)MTR3.12允许牌手展示自己知悉的隐藏信息给对手知道。\\ It's important to note that this infraction only applies to cards in a library (or sideboard). If you accidentally look at cards exiled by a Bomat Courier, that's not Looking at Extra Cards- it's a Game Rule Violation.\\ 请记住,这个违规只对牌库中(或备牌中)的牌适用。如果你不小心看到了被博默区讯使放逐的牌,那不是额外看牌,而是违反游戏规则。\\ ++ **This penalty is applied only once if one or more cards are seen in the same action or sequence of actions.**\\ ++在同一动作或同一系列动作中看到了一张牌或数张牌,此处罚也只适用一次。|\\ We don’t penalize a player for each card seen if all the cards are seen during the same game action or sequence of game actions.\\ 如果这些看到的牌是在同一个或同一系列游戏动作中看到的,我们并不会为每一张看到的牌都惩罚一次牌手。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player accidentally reveals (drops, flips over) a card while shuffling their opponent’s library.**\\ **A. 牌手在洗对手牌库时意外地翻开(掉落,翻转)一张牌。**\\ **B. A player pulls up an extra card while drawing from their library.**\\ **B. 牌手抓牌时多带起了一张牌。**\\ **C. A player sees the bottom card of their deck when presenting it to their opponent for cutting/shuffling.**\\ ++C. 牌手在将套牌给对手洗或切时看到了牌库底的牌。|\\ In Example B, please consider ‘pulls’ up, as ‘lifts up, but not so much that it could reasonable be considered separate from the library’. \\ 在例子B中,请将“带起”理解为“将牌拿起,但没有达到应视为离开牌库的距离”。\\ Other examples could be: A player flips over an extra card while resolving a cascade ability. A player flips over extra cards when milling his or her deck, and this is noticed immediately.\\ 其他一些例子:牌手在结算倾曳异能时多翻开了一张牌。牌手在磨牌库时额外翻开一张牌,并立刻发现。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **A player can accidentally look at extra cards easily and this infraction handles situations where a dexterity or rules error has led to a player seeing cards that they shouldn’t have. Cards in a library are considered to be there until they touch cards in another hidden set. Once those cards have joined another hidden set, the infraction is handled as a Hidden Card Error or Game Rule Violation.**\\ ++牌手容易不慎看到多余的牌。此违规用于处理牌手因手脚笨拙或规则失误导致其看到本不应看到牌张的情况。|\\ Players touch their decks a lot. They touch to shuffle, they touch to draw, they touch to search. And every time a deck is touched, there is the possibility that you are going to see something you shouldn’t. Since it is easy to do, easy to notice, and easy to fix, a Warning is the appropriate penalty.\\ 牌手经常接触他们的套牌。他们洗牌、抓牌、搜寻牌库时都会接触套牌。每当牌手接触套牌时,都有一定概率看到不该看到的东西。鉴于此行为容易发生,容易发现也容易修正,警告是恰当的处罚。\\ ++ ++只要牌库中的牌张尚未触碰到其他非公开牌叠中之牌张,均视为在牌库之中。一旦相关牌张已加入其他非公开牌叠中,便应按照“非公开牌张失误”或“违反游戏规则”来处理此违规。|\\ We all know that drawing is different from looking but sometimes the line is not easy to see. The line here is when the card we are looking at is added to another set of cards, either the hand, or seven other cards from dig through time. Keep in mind that for this infraction, we do allow you to use your judgement a bit when it comes to “I meant to pick up one card and instead I picked up two.” That’s not “adding to a set” just yet.\\ 我们都知道抓牌不同于看牌,但是有时他们的界限并不容易区分。界限在于额外看到的牌是否加入了其他牌叠。这个牌叠可能是手牌,也可能是历时挖掘看到的其他7张牌。当你处理这类违规时请牢记,在判断“我本想拿起一张牌时拿起了两张牌”这类情形时你可以使用你的判断力。仅凭这一点还不能算是“加入了牌叠”。\\ ++ **Players should not use this penalty to get a “free shuffle” or to attempt to shuffle away cards they don’t want to draw; doing so may be Unsporting Conduct — Cheating. Players also are not allowed to use this penalty as a stalling mechanism. The library is already randomized, so shuffling in the revealed cards should not involve excessive effort.**\\ ++牌手不应该利用此处罚来得到“免费洗牌”,或是企图将不想抓的牌洗到别处去;如此会被视为是“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。|\\ This point involves judge ability to understand if a player is lying. Some players know that the additional fix for Looking at Extra Cards is a shuffle, so they might “accidentally” peek at a card in order to try to get a shuffle. This is Cheating, and helps to emphasize the point that we need to determine if there are any known cards before we apply the additional fix. When you arrive at the table ask both players some questions to get a sense of what is really happening.\\ 判断这一点需要裁判具有阅读牌手是否在说谎的能力。有些牌手知道额外看牌的额外修正是洗牌,所以他们可能会“不小心”偷看到一张牌以试图获得洗牌。这是作弊,并且这也强调了我们在进行额外修正前确定是否有已知的牌。当你到达桌前时,问双方牌手一些问题以了解实际发生了什么事情。\\ ++ ++牌手也不应该将此处罚当做拖延的手段。|\\ Shuffling a deck requires some time, and players know this. As judges we must prevent players taking advantage of the time limit and understand when a player is trying to do that. This is also considered cheating, but will be very hard to discover. If it is close to the end of the round, stick around and watch if you suspect this may be the case.\\ 洗牌库需要一定的时间,而牌手们知道这点。作为裁判我们必须防止牌手用这个判罚来获得时间优势,并在牌手试图这么干的时候发现他的意图。这也算作作弊,但是很难被发现。如果本轮时间快到了,而且你怀疑很有可能属于这种情况,你应当留在附近观察。\\ ++ ++由于牌库都已经充分随机化,所以将展示的牌洗回去并不会造成太大的影响。|\\ This means that the player doesn’t have to waste time by shuffling as he or she would for the pregame procedure. A few mash shuffles or 3-5 riffle shuffles should be sufficient. The purpose is to “lose” the seen cards in the deck.\\ 这意味着牌手不用在洗牌时像进行游戏前流程时一样大费周章。几次插洗或3-5次鸽尾式洗牌(扑克牌洗法)就足够了。其目的是让被看见的牌在牌库中“失踪”。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **If the cards were in the library, shuffle any previously unknown cards from a deck back into the random portion of the library, then put any previously known cards back in their correct locations.**\\ ++如果额外看的牌在牌库中,则将此前套牌中未知的牌张洗入牌库的随机部分,然后将此前已知牌张置于正确位置。|\\ See IPG 1.3 on the details on how to randomize a deck. A summary is: figure out what cards are legally know from things like scry or cascade, and, leaving those cards where they are supposed to be, shuffle any cards left over. If the cards accidentally seen were previously known (like from Brainstorm) you don’t have to do this.\\ 关于如何随机化套牌,参见IPG 1.3节。总的来说,确定牌库中有哪些牌是牌手合法知道的(例如因为占卜或倾曳异能所致),并且将这些部分放在他们应当在的位置,然后将剩余的部分洗牌。如果额外看到的牌原本就是合法知道的(例如因脑力激荡所致),则无需做此修正。\\ ++ [[:IPG:2.1|2.1. 游戏行动失误~遗漏触发]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.3|2.3. 游戏行动失误~非公开牌张失误]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}