[[:IPG:2|第二章 - 游戏行动失误]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.2|2.2. 游戏行动失误~额外看牌]] ====== 2.1 Missed Trigger 遗漏触发 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A triggered ability triggers, but the player controlling the ability doesn’t demonstrate awareness of the trigger’s existence the first time that it would affect the game in a visible fashion.**\\ ++某个触发式异能触发,但于该异能将首度对游戏产生可见影响时,操控该异能的牌手未能表明自己认识到此触发的存在。|\\ To quote the Comprehensive Rules: 603.1. Triggered abilities have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as "[Trigger condition], [effect]," and begin with the word "when," "whenever," or "at." They can also be expressed as "[When/Whenever/At] [trigger event], [effect]." A triggered ability is said to “trigger” whenever the above-mentioned [trigger condition] has been met.\\ 引用CR 603.1:触发式异能具有触发条件和效应。其格式为“[触发条件],[效应]”,且由“当”、“每当”或“在”等词开头。它们也可以被展开为“[当/每当/在][触发事件],[效应]”。当前述提到的[触发条件]满足时,触发式异能就会触发。\\ Generally speaking, the point at which a player needs to demonstrate awareness of a triggered ability is after it has triggered, but no later than when that ability would “first matter.”The finer details of when things “first matter” will be covered throughout this definition.\\ 通常来说,牌手需要表明自己认识触发存在的时点是在其触发后、且在该触发式异能将要“第一次产生作用”之前。关于何为“第一次产生作用”,我们将在这一部分中进行详解。\\ ++ **The point by which the player needs to demonstrate this awareness depends on the impact that the trigger would have on the game:**\\ ++根据不同的触发对游戏产生之影响不同,牌手需要表明自己认识触发存在的最迟时点也有所差异:|\\ This is another way of saying that in order to figure out whether or not a player has missed a trigger, you must first consider what the ability does. The point at which the ability first matters depends on which of the below four categories that ability belongs to. Note that this is intended to be an exhaustive list — all triggered abilities in the game may be categorized in one of the following ways.\\ 这是用另一种方式来说,要判断牌手是否遗漏了触发,首先应该先看这个触发式异能会做什么事情。该异能第一次产生作用的时点取决于这个异能属于以下四类中的哪一类。注意,下面的分类涵盖了游戏中所有的触发式异能,你一定可以为某异能找到其所属的类型。\\ ++ **• A triggered ability that requires its controller to choose targets (other than 'target opponent'), modes, or other choices made when the ability is put onto the stack: The controller must announce those choices before they next pass priority.**\\ ++• 对于需要其操控者选择目标(注记“目标对手”者除外)、模式,或具在将异能放进堆叠时便需作出决定之其他选择的触发式异能而言:其操控者必须在其下一次让出优先权之前宣告该些决定。|\\ These are triggered abilities that first matter as they are put onto the stack. In order to avoid missing these triggers, the controller of these abilities must remember to make the choices involved with these right away.\\ 这些触发式异能第一次产生作用的时候就是它们放进堆叠的时候。这些异能的操控者必须记住要立即做出这些选择,才能避免忘记这些异能。\\ Examples: Anointed Deacon, Academy Journeymage, Rhonas's Monument\\ 例如:祝圣助祭、学院老练法师、罗纳斯纪念碑\\ For the purposes of triggered abilities, the choice of a “target opponent” is automatically assumed in a two-player game. The controller is not required to explicitly make this choice to avoid missing the trigger. A player isn’t off the hook just yet, though — They will still need to demonstrate awareness at some later point according to whichever of the three remaining groups the effect fits into. Also, the opponent is not assumed to be the target when the trigger requires a “target player,” even if its “obvious” that you want to target the opponent.\\ 触发式异能中,“目标对手”的选择在两人游戏中是默认的。其操控者不需要明确做出此选择来避免遗漏触发,但是这并不代表牌手就可以不管这个异能了,这个异能是否遗漏还要看它属于其他三类中的哪一类,并以该类的判定标准来判定。对于“目标牌手”而言,对手不会自动成为该触发的目标,即使这个异能你很“显然”想要以对手为目标。\\ ++ **• A triggered ability that causes a change in the visible game state (including life totals) or requires a choice upon resolution: The controller must take the appropriate physical action or acknowledge the specific trigger before taking any game actions (such as casting a sorcery spell or explicitly taking an action in the next step or phase) that can be taken only after the triggered ability should have resolved. Note that passing priority, casting an instant spell or activating an ability doesn’t mean a triggered ability has been forgotten, as it could still be on the stack.**\\ ++• 对于会对游戏的可见状态(包括牌手的总生命)产生影响,或是需要在结算时作出决定的触发式异能而言:其操控者在执行只有在该触发式异能结算完毕之后才有可能进行的任何游戏动作(例如施放法术咒语,或明确执行了下一个步骤或阶段中的动作)之前,就必须作出与此类触发式异能相对应的实际动作,或表明自己认识此触发的存在。|\\ These are triggered abilities that first matter at resolution. In order to avoid missing these triggers, the controller of these abilities must remember to make the choice or take the visible action when the trigger would resolve (or prompt the opponent to do so). The player may also avoid missing the trigger by making it clear to the opponent what outcome will be taken when the trigger resolves.\\ 这些是结算时第一次产生作用的触发式异能。其操控者必须记住在这些异能将要结算时做出选择或作出实际动作(或提示对手如此做),才能避免忘记这些异能。牌手也可以向对手清楚地表示该触发式异能结算会产生什么样的结果,来避免遗漏这个触发。说“触发”是不够的。你需要清楚地表明这个触发是什么。\\ Examples: Banewhip Punisher, Anointer Priest, Sparring Construct\\ 例如:驱邪鞭手、圣洗僧侣、战训组构体\\ As it turns out, this is by far the most common type of triggered ability in the game. Most triggered abilities involve obvious visible actions such as drawing cards, moving objects from zone to zone, or modifying the state of permanents. Note that life totals are considered part of the visible representation of the game — this implies that triggered abilities that cause a player to take damage or gain life first matter at the point that a score pad should be updated.\\ 这是游戏中最常见的触发式异能。大多数触发式异能都涉及明显的实际动作,例如抓牌、将物件从一个区域移到另一个、或更改永久物的状态。注意,总生命视为游戏的可见表示之一,这意味着让牌手受到伤害或获得生命的触发式异能产生作用时,牌手应当在记血纸上写下新的生命值。\\ ++ ++请注意,让过优先权、施放瞬间咒语或起动异能这类动作并不表明牌手已遗忘触发式异能,因为在此情况下该触发式异能可能仍在堆叠之上。|\\ When making this determination, a lot of benefit of the doubt is given to players — they usually have to go well out of their way to show that they’ve missed a trigger. For example, if a player casts a spell during upkeep, it is assumed that upkeep triggers are still on the stack, not missed.\\ 在确定是否是此种情况时,牌手通常会得到很多疑点利益(即假定牌手是没有忘记的)——在这种情况下牌手要遗忘一个触发可是真心很不容易的。例如,如果牌手在维持施放一个咒语,我们会假定维持的触发仍在堆叠上,而非被遗忘。\\ ++ **• A triggered ability that changes the rules of the game: The controller must acknowledge the trigger or stop an opponent who tries to take any resulting illegal action.**\\ ++• 对于改变了游戏规则的触发式异能而言:其操控者必须认识此触发,或在对手尝试执行因此变为不合法的动作时阻止之。|\\ These are triggered abilities that first matter at the point at which an opponent tries to take an illegal action due to the trigger. In order to avoid missing these triggers, the controller of these abilities must announce the trigger at the correct time and/or actively prevent an opponent from taking an action that wouldn’t be possible had the triggered ability resolved.\\ 这些触发式异能第一次产生作用的时点是对手尝试作出因此异能而不合法的动作之时。这些异能的操控者必须在合适的时机宣告异能,或主动阻止对手作出因此异能而不合法的动作,才能避免忘记这些异能。\\ Examples: Brine Elemental, Lavinia of the Tenth, Wall of Frost, Pyreheart Wolf\\ 例如:盐湖元素、第十区的拉温妮、霜墙、葬火心狼\\ If an opponent hasn’t acknowledged the trigger then players are welcome to behave as if it was forgotten, but they must expect to be stopped by that opponent.\\ 如果对手没有声明触发,牌手可以假设这个触发被遗忘了,但他们必须意识到自己的动作可能会被对手阻止。\\ For example, suppose Alex attacks Nat with a Pyreheart Wolf and doesn’t immediately mention their trigger. Nat is allowed to animate a Mutavault and try to declare it alone as a blocker. If Alex does not speak up about this blocking assignment being illegal before taking a later action or continuing with combat, Alex has missed their trigger.\\ 例如,Alex使用葬火心狼攻击Nat,但没有立即提到其触发式异能。我们允许Nat将他的易形地窖变成生物,并试图宣告单独阻挡。如果Alex在此时不表明这次阻挡非法,而继续采取其他动作、或进行下一个战斗步骤,Alex就遗忘了这个触发。\\ If a player chooses to perform this “Missed Trigger gambit,” so to speak, they risk giving away information like the identity of cards in their hand or intended plays. Worse yet, a player banking on a forgotten trigger of this type may lock themself into a play they would otherwise not want to take. In the above example, if Alex prevents Nat from blocking with Mutavault alone then Nat wouldn’t get to undo the activation of Mutavault.\\ 如果牌手想要“赌”对手忘了异能,他们便需要冒着一些风险,诸如暴露其手牌内容或游戏意图。更糟的是,他们可能需要做出一些原本不想做的游戏动作。例如上面的例子中,如果Alex阻止了Nat用易形地窖单独阻挡,Nat将无法撤销将异形地窖变生物的操作。\\ ++ **• A triggered ability that affects the game state in non-visible ways: The controller must make the change known by the first time the change has an effect on the visible game state.**\\ ++• 对于会以不可见的方式对游戏状态产生影响的触发式异能而言:其操控者必须于此类触发首度对游戏的可见状态造成影响时,让所有人知晓影响为何。|\\ These are triggered abilities that aren’t immediately visually apparent, but would first matter at some point after resolution. Examples include causing a creature to gain some ability or giving a creature a power and toughness bonus (but not a counter or targeted).\\ 这些触发式异能不会立即产生可见影响,但会在结算后的某个时间点第一次产生作用。例子包括使生物获得某些异能、给生物力量/防御力修正(而非被放上指示物或被目标)。\\ The result of these effects may cause some later visible change to the game state. For example, suppose Nat controls an Aether Flash at the time that Alex casts a 3/3 Hill Giant, and neither player mentions the trigger. If, later that turn, Nat deals 1 additional damage to Alex’s creature, Nat will have not missed the Aether Flash trigger if they prompt Alex to put their creature into the graveyard at that time. In this case, Aether Flash’s trigger first matters at the point when Alex’s creature receives lethal damage.\\ 但是,这些效应的结果可能接下来会导致游戏状态的可见变化。例如,Nat操控乙太闪光(每当一个生物进入战场时,乙太闪光对其造成2点伤害。)Alex施放了3/3的山丘巨人,两位牌手都没有提及触发。如果在该回合中,稍后Nat对Alex的生物又造成的1点伤害,若Nat提示Alex将该生物放进坟场,Nat便没有遗漏乙太闪光的触发。在这个例子中,乙太闪光的触发是异能第一次产生作用的时点便是Alex的生物获得致命伤害之时。\\ Examples: Boros Elite, Steppe Lynx, Zhur-Taa Ancient, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.\\ 例如:波洛斯精兵、草原山猫、筑塔族祖兽、万世创伤伊莫库\\ This is something that people get hung up on, and will be addressed in more detail below. But the default assumption of the opponent should be that the trigger happened when it was supposed to.\\ 这类异能经常让人混淆不清,下面还会有进一步的说明。但对手的默认假设应当是触发式异能在其应当发生作用的时候发生。\\ ++ **Once any of the above obligations has been fulfilled, further problems are treated as a Game Play Error — Game Rule Violation.**\\ ++只要牌手履行了上述各项义务的任意一项,由此产生的其他问题便应按照“游戏行动失误~违反游戏规则”来处理。|\\ As convenient as it may be for judges to consider previously acknowledged but problematically-executed triggered abilities to be missed, they must nonetheless be treated as a different infraction.\\ 对于牌手已表明其存在、但错误执行的触发式异能来讲,裁判应该用另一个违规来进行处理,而非将其当做遗漏触发(虽然看起来很方便)。\\ For example, suppose Alex attacks Nat with an unblocked Arbor Elf equipped with Sword of Feast and Famine. During the combat damage step, Alex untaps their lands but both players forget about Nat discarding. Even if this is noticed during the post combat main phase, this must be treated as a Game Rules Violation by either rewinding the game or applying the appropriate partial fix, and not by simply asking Nat whether to place the trigger on the stack. It is also a Game Rule Violation if you acknowledge a trigger at the proper time or earlier, and then, because of multiple things on the stack, you forget to resolve it.\\ 例如,Alex使用佩带了丰馑剑的乔木妖精攻击Nat,且没有被阻挡。在战斗伤害步骤,Alex重置了自己的地,但两位牌手都忘了Nat没有弃牌。即使这件事在战斗后行动阶段才被发现,这也必须以违反游戏规则(GRV)进行处理,要么进行倒回,要么适用合适的部分修正,而不能询问Nat是否将弃牌异能放进堆叠。如果你在合适的时间(或更早)表明了触发式异能的存在,但因为堆叠上的东西太多而忘记了结算该异能,这也属于GRV。\\ ++ **Triggered abilities that do nothing except create delayed triggered abilities automatically resolve without requiring acknowledgment. Awareness of the resulting delayed trigger must be demonstrated at the appropriate point. Triggered abilities that do nothing except create one or more copies of a spell or ability (such as storm or cipher) automatically resolve, but awareness of the resulting objects must be demonstrated using the same requirements as described above (even though the objects may not be triggered abilities).**\\ ++对于只会产生延时触发式异能,而没有其他效应的触发式异能而言,此类触发会自动结算,牌手不需特别指出此类触发的存在。牌手必须在恰当的时点,表明自己认识到因此产生之延时触发式异能的存在。|\\ The first sentence implies that it is impossible to miss, for example, Grave Betrayal’s triggered ability. However, the second sentence means that the delayed triggered ability itself, which makes a visible change to the game state, may be missed if not acknowledged by the time it would first matter. If Nat's creature dies while Abe controls a Grave Betrayal, the trigger happens. However Alex can still miss the resulting delayed trigger by later passing the turn without returning the creature to the battlefield or otherwise calling attention to the ability. This is a concession to the way players play. The delayed triggers creation isn’t “relevant” but its resolution is.\\ 第一句话说明牌手不可能遗漏诸如坟场叛行这样的触发式异能。但是,第二句话说明,产生的延迟触发式异能会对游戏状态产生可见影响,所以如果其操控者没有在其第一次产生影响之时表明了该异能的存在,它便会被遗漏。如果于Alex操控坟场叛行的时候,Nat的生物死去,该触发式异能自动结算。但Abe仍然可能会在没有将该生物移回战场(或以其他方式表明对该异能的注意)就让过回合,从而遗漏该触发式异能产生的延迟触发。这是对牌手游戏方式的一种妥协。延迟触发的创造并不重要;延迟触发的结算才是关键。\\ ++ ++对于只会产生咒语或异能之一个或数个复制品,而没有其他效应的触发式异能(例如风暴或暗码)而言,此类触发会自动结算,但牌手仍需依照上文所述的要求,在相应时点表明自己认识到由此产生之各物件的存在(就算此类物件不属于触发式异能也是一样)。|\\ For example, the storm ability of Empty the Warrens is not considered missed even if the spell’s controller does not specifically announce the trigger before passing priority after casting the spell. However, if that player then forgets to put the additional Goblins onto the battlefield before moving on with their turn, the storm trigger would be considered missed. Again, this is a concession to the way players actually play Magic.\\ 例如,即使净空繁殖地的操控者在施放咒语并让过优先权之前没有宣告其风暴异能,我们也不认为牌手遗漏了这个触发。但是,如果该牌手忘记将多产生的鬼怪放进战场就继续进行其他行动,我们便认为牌手遗漏了这个风暴触发。这也是我们对牌手游戏方式妥协的结果。\\ ++ **Abilities consisting of an action followed by “when you do” in the same ability are considered communicated by the announcement of the action. This is most commonly the case for exert and similar abilities.**\\ ++一些异能包括一个动作以及紧跟其后的“当你如此作”异能。此类异能视为在宣告该动作之后就已声明。这种情形通常包括耗竭和其他一些类似的异能。|\\ Announcing the action that makes the trigger ability to trigger is sufficient to demonstrate the awareness of the Reflexive triggers.\\ 牌手宣告使触发式异能触发的动作足以表示其对该自身触发异能的认识。++ **If a triggered ability would have no impact on the game, it’s not an infraction to fail to demonstrate awareness of it. For example, if the effect of a triggered ability instructs its controller to sacrifice a creature, a player who controls no creatures isn’t required to demonstrate awareness of the ability. Similarly, a player demonstrating awareness of an optional trigger with no visible effect is assumed to have made the affirmative choice unless the opponent responds.**\\ ++如果某个触发式异能不会对游戏造成影响,则就算牌手没有认识到此触发的存在,也不会算作违规。|\\ There has to be no impact to the game, not that it’s obvious a choice wouldn’t be made. You shouldn’t take into account how likely an opponent is to perform some optional action permitted by the ability. For example, a tapped Desecration Demon should still have its triggered ability acknowledged and the opponent should be prompted for choice of a sacrifice even though Desecration Demon is already tapped.\\ 此处指的是不会对游戏造成影响的触发,并不是指没有做出一个显而易见的选择。你不应考虑对手采取该异能允许对手所做的一些可选项的可能性。例如,对于一个已横置的渎圣恶魔,其操控者仍应表明它的触发式异能,并提示对手是否选择牺牲生物。\\ ++ ++举例来说,若某触发式异能的效应要求此异能的操控者牺牲一个生物,则未操控生物的牌手并不需要特别指出该触发的存在。|\\ Another example of a triggered ability that would have no impact on the game may occur in a scenario in which a player controls no other creatures and attacks with a Chasm Drake. The Chasm Drake itself is the only legal target for the ability, but giving a Chasm Drake a second instance of flying would be redundant. So, this trigger would not matter and intentionally ignoring it would not be an infraction.\\ 对游戏没有影响的触发式异能的另一个例子是牌手仅操控一个深峡龙兽(每当深峡龙兽攻击时,目标由你操控的生物获得飞行异能直到回合结束)并用其进行攻击。深峡龙兽本身是其异能的唯一合法目标,但再次赋予深峡龙兽飞行异能又没有作用。所以这个触发对游戏没有影响,即使故意忽略这个异能也没有违规。\\ ++ ++类似地,如果某牌手表明自己认识到无可见效应之非强制性触发的存在,则除非对手有回应,否则便应视为其已选择依可选项行事。|\\ This is the old ‘may’ trigger. If a player points out an optional trigger, and it has no visible effect, when it resolves, it’s assumed that they chose to for the ‘may’ part to happen. However, this assumption only holds unless the opponent responds. If they do, then you have to specify if you did or didn’t choose the ‘may’. This is relevant in formats with Eldrazi Mimic and Dismember. 😉\\ 这就是通常说的“可以”触发。如果牌手指出了一个可选的触发、且这个触发结算时没有可见的效应,我们假定该牌手会让“可以”的部分生效。然而,这种假定只有在对手没有响应时才有效。如果对手响应了,那么牌手必须说明“可以”的部分是否生效。这在具有拟态奥札奇和肢解的赛制中是有意义的。😉\\ ++ **Judges do not intervene in a missed trigger situation unless they intend to issue a Warning or have reason to suspect that the controller is intentionally missing their triggered abilities.**\\ ++除非认为应给予警告,或有理由怀疑异能的操控者系蓄意遗忘自己的触发,否则裁判在观察到牌手遗漏触发时不应干预比赛。|\\ This is another very important detail to keep in mind when observing a match as either a spectator or judge. Simply asking a player if they acknowledged a triggered ability is itself a reminder of that ability. Worse still, calling attention to a particular triggered ability before it would first matter provides an opportunity for a player to acknowledge it then. Depending on the circumstances, making this mistake could be perceived by an opponent as a lack of impartiality or even as significant coaching. Furthermore, if a spectator makes this mistake, it could be considered Tournament Error — Outside Assistance. Clearly, this should be avoided.\\ 这是另一个非常重要的细节,当你作为旁观者或裁判观看比赛时一定要记住。询问牌手是否表明了触发式异能,这个问题本身便是对该异能的提醒。更糟的是,如果在触发式异能第一次产生作用之前让牌手注意到该异能,会使该牌手有机会在合适的时机表明这个异能。根据情况的不同,对手可能会认为犯下这种错误是你不够公正,甚至在教牌手打牌。此外,如果旁观者犯下此错误,可以认为是比赛失误——外来协助。显然这种做法应该避免。\\ The only exception to this, of course, is when a judge needs to issue a Warning or investigate a player for Cheating. The needs of the tournament — specifically, ensuring its integrity — exceed those of an individual match.\\ 当然,唯一的例外是裁判需要判处警告、或需要调查牌手是否作弊的情况下。对于整个比赛——特别是保证比赛的公正性——而言,其重要性要高于某一场对局的重要性。\\ ++ **A player controlling another player is responsible for that player’s triggers in addition to their own.**\\ ++若某牌手正在操控其他牌手之回合,则他除了需留意自己的触发外,还有责任准确处理其所操控之牌手的触发。|\\ If one player is controlling another player then the controlling player is responsible for remembering that player’s triggers. There aren’t any differences to this infraction other than the controlling player cannot forget any triggers, theirs or the player’s they are controlling. For the purposes of any fixes below, the controlled player is the opponent.\\ 如果牌手正在操控其他牌手,那么前者应当对后者的触发负责。除了该牌手不能忘记任何触发——无论是他们自己的还是正在操控的牌手的——以外,对于违规本身而言并没有任何区别。下文所提及的修正中,对手指的便是被操控的牌手。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. Knight of Infamy (a 2/1 creature with exalted) attacks alone. Its controller says “Take two.”**\\ ++A. 恶名骑士/Knight of Infamy(2/1生物,具颂威异能)单独攻击。其操控者说“中两点。”|\\ (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) In this scenario, this ability first matters during the combat damage step. This is a triggered ability that affects the game state in non-visible ways. By indicating the Knight is attacking for 2 damage, the player has missed their trigger, even if they are is stating the knight is attacking for 2 prior to the combat damage step.\\ (每当一个由你操控的生物单独攻击时,该生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。)在此例中,这个异能在战斗伤害步骤第一次产生作用。这是一个以不可见方式影响游戏状态的触发式异能。该牌手表示骑士造成2点伤害,意味着其遗漏了触发,即使该牌手在战斗伤害步骤之前如此声明也是如此。\\ ++ **B. A player forgets to remove the final time counter from a suspended spell and then draws a card during their draw step.**\\ ++B. 牌手忘记从已延缓的咒语上移去最后一个计时指示物,并在其抓牌步骤中抓了一张牌。|\\ (At the beginning of your upkeep, if this card is suspended, remove a time counter from it) In this scenario, this ability first matters before the player draws for the turn. This is a triggered ability that causes a change in the visible game state. Once the player draws a card, they have advanced the game past the point where the visible game state would first be altered had the trigger resolved.\\ (在你的维持开始时,若此牌被延缓,从它上面移除一个计时指示物)在此例中,这个异能在牌手抓本回合的牌之前第一次产生作用。这是一个对游戏产生可见影响的触发式异能。一旦牌手抓了牌,游戏进程便已经进行至可见游戏状态本应因为触发式异能的结算而被改变的时间点之后。\\ ++ **C. A player casts Manic Vandal, then forgets its triggered ability by not choosing a target for it. They realize this only after casting another spell.**\\ ++C. 牌手施放了疯狂莽夫/Manic Vandal,但并未为其触发式异能选择目标,遗忘了此触发。等到施放另外一个咒语的时候,他们才发现遗忘了此触发。|\\ (When Manic Vandal enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact.) In this scenario, this ability first matters before the player passes priority. This is a triggered ability that requires its controller to choose targets.\\ (当疯狂莽夫进战场时,消灭目标神器。)在此例中,这个异能在牌手让过优先权之前第一次产生作用。这是一个需要其操控者选择目标的触发式异能。\\ ++ **D. A player forgets to exile the Angel token created by Geist of Saint Traft at end of combat. They realize the error when declaring blockers during the next turn.**\\ ++D. 在战斗结束的时候,牌手忘记放逐圣沙弗的游魂/Geist of Saint Traft产生的天使衍生物。等到下一个回合宣告阻挡者的时候,他们才发现这个失误。|\\ In this scenario, this ability first matters before the player indicates that they have moved past the combat phase. This is a delayed triggered ability that causes a change in the visible game state.\\ 在此例中,这个异能在牌手表明战斗阶段已过之前第一次产生作用。这是一个导致可见游戏状态产生变化的延迟触发式异能。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Triggered abilities are common and invisible, so players should not be harshly penalized when forgetting about one. Players are expected to remember their own triggered abilities; intentionally ignoring one may be Unsporting Conduct — Cheating (unless the ability would have no impact on the game as described above). Even if an opponent is involved in the announcement or resolution of the ability, the controller is still responsible for ensuring the opponents make the appropriate choices and take the appropriate actions. Opponents are not required to point out triggered abilities that they do not control, though they may do so if they wish.**\\ ++触发式异能属于常见异能,且其机制较为隐蔽,因此不应在牌手忘记处理该类异能时即对其采取严厉的惩罚措施。|\\ It’s pretty easy to forget triggers, there are a lot of them and there are often no visual components to them. They are also typically beneficial, and the ones that aren’t, the opponent is motivated to be aware of. Furthermore, triggered abilities have sort of a “natural” handling if they’re forgotten — most of the time, they can simply just not happen without any additional cleanup or situation-specific remedy being needed.\\ 人们非常容易忘记触发式异能。触发式异能很多,却通常没有可见的方式去提醒它们的存在。通常来说触发式异能是有利的,而对于不利的触发式异能,对手也有动力去注意它们。此外,处理忘记触发式异能时有一种很自然的办法——大多数时候,可以直接不做额外修正,就当做它们没发生过即可。\\ ++ ++牌手应记得属于自己的触发式异能;蓄意忽略触发式异能的行为应视作“举止违背运动道德~作弊”(除非该异能如上文所述,对游戏没有任何影响)。|\\ So, while forgetting your trigger is not to be harshly penalized, intentionally missing your trigger is much more serious. Note the subtle usage of the word “may,” in the sentence above. If you suspect a player of cheating, read the definition of Cheating to see if it applies. Another exception to this being Unsporting Conduct – Cheating is if the player in question were not aware that intentionally ignoring one's own triggered abilities is against the rules. It was pointed out that now, with the Pacts, a player can “forget” their trigger and then say “oops I forgot” when the opponent notices; this is a case where an investigation for Cheating can be a good idea.\\ 即使忘记触发式异能不应被严厉的处罚,故意遗漏触发是更加严重的情形。注意这里使用了“may”(可能)一词。如果你怀疑牌手作弊,请先阅读作弊的定义,并分析是否符合作弊的判断条件。如果当事牌手并不知道故意忽略自己的触发式异能是规则不允许的行为,也不应视作“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。需要指出的是,现在牌手可以“忘记”他们的条约触发式异能,然后在对手发现时才说“哎呀,我忘了”;这种情况下调查牌手是否作弊可能会是一个好主意。\\ ++ ++就算在异能宣告或结算的时候,需要对手进行相应选择,该异能的操控者也应对此负责,确保对手作出恰当的决定或执行了合适的动作。对手不需指出不由自己操控的遗漏触发,不过如果他们希望指出的话,也可以如此作。|\\ Remembering one’s trigger is always the responsibility of the player who controls the ability. This is usually, but not always, the controller of the object that has the ability. It doesn’t matter that the triggered ability may allow an opponent to take an optional action — the controller of the trigger is responsible for remembering it and prompting the opponent to make a choice. Examples include things like Frost Titan, Desecration Demon and Rhystic Study.\\ 记住自己的触发式异能永远是其操控者的责任。其操控者通常(但不一定)是具有该异能的物件之操控者。触发式异能是否允许对手采取某些可选动作与此没有关联——触发式异能的操控者有责任记住这个触发,并提示对手作出选择。例子包括冰霜泰坦、渎圣恶魔和Rhystic Study(琉晶研究)。\\ One of the many skills tested in Magic is the ability of players to remember their own triggered abilities. Players should not be punished for the inabilities or poor memories of their opponents.\\ 万智牌游戏考验牌手的很多技能之一便是记住自己的触发式异能。牌手不应因没有记住对手的触发式异能而受到惩罚。\\ Why might a player want to remind an opponent of their triggered ability? It’s possible that the trigger might benefit themselves more than their opponent or it might inconvenience their opponent so reminding them makes sense.\\ 为什么牌手会想要提醒对手操控的触发式异能呢?可能是因为这个异能对自己比对对手更有利,或者只是为了干扰对手。\\ ++ **Triggered abilities are assumed to be remembered until otherwise indicated, and the impact on the game state may not be immediately apparent. The opponent’s benefit is in not having to point out triggered abilities, although this does not mean that they can cause triggers to be missed. If an opponent requires information about the precise timing of a triggered ability or needs details about a game object that may be affected by a resolved triggered ability, that player may need to acknowledge that ability’s existence before its controller does. A player who makes a play that may or may not be legal depending on whether an uncommunicated opponent’s trigger has been remembered has not committed an infraction; their play either succeeds, confirming that the trigger has been missed, or is rewound.**\\ ++除非有迹象表明触发式异能已遭遗忘,否则应视作牌手始终记得触发式异能的存在,同时触发式异能对游戏状态产生的影响也有可能不会即刻显现出来。|\\ Triggered abilities are assumed to be remembered not only by both the player and opponent, but also by any judges watching the match. By failing to acknowledge a triggered ability by when it would first matter, the player effectively disproves this assumption. This sentence also answers the question of “How can I tell if my opponent missed their exalted trigger?” You are to assume it happened until you have evidence that it didn't. This is an important point. Just as you can acknowledge a trigger happened earlier than required, you can also indicate the trigger didn't happen earlier than required. For example, if you untap with a Kragma Butcher and say nothing indicating the trigger, it is assumed to be a 4/3. However, the controller can indicate earlier than combat damage that they forgot the trigger. Attacking with an Ensnaring Bridge on the battlefield might indicate its trigger was missed. Answering "what's that creature's power?" with "it's a 2/3" is an indication it was missed.\\ 不仅应当假设牌手和对手记得触发式异能的存在,对于观看对局的裁判,也应假设他们记得这些异能。如果牌手没有在某个触发式异能将要第一次产生作用时表达该异能,他就打破了这个假设。这一句话也回答了下面这个问题:“我怎么知道对手忘记了他的颂威触发?”你应当假设颂威触发了,直到你获得了对手忘记这个触发的证据。这是很重要的一点。如同你可以在所要求的时点之前表达某个触发一样,你同样可以在这个时点之前表现出触发没有发生。例如,如果你操控的夸格玛屠夫(每当夸格玛屠夫成为未横置时,它得+2/+0直到回合结束。)重置了,却没有说明这个触发,我们假设它是一个4/3生物。但是,操控者可以在战斗伤害之前表现出忘记了这个触发。如果场上有陷阱桥的时候宣告它攻击,可能表明这个触发被遗漏了。如果问这个生物的力量是多少,回答“它是2/3”说明这个触发已经被遗漏了。\\ ++ ++对于对手而言,虽然无须指出触发式异能这点对己有利,但这并不意味着可以主动致使他人遗漏触发。|\\ To repeat an earlier annotation, players are never responsible for remembering their opponent’s triggers. Players are allowed to remain quiet about triggers controlled by an opponent being missed, even if the triggered ability would do something harmful to its controller. There is never a time when a player should be issued an infraction, be it Unsporting Conduct — Cheating, Game Play Error — Failure to Maintain Game State, etc., for either accidentally or intentionally not calling attention to an opponent’s missed trigger. Players do not have to help their opponents beat them; however, they cannot trick their opponents into missing triggers.\\ 重复刚才的一段注解,牌手永远没有责任记住对手的触发。我们允许牌手在对手的触发被遗漏时保持沉默。无论是举止违背运动道德~作弊、还是游戏行动失误~未维护游戏状态,还是什么其他判罚也好,牌手永远不应该因为无意或故意地不注意对手的遗漏触发而吃到这些判罚。牌手没有理由帮助对手击败自己;但牌手不允许诱导对手遗漏触发。\\ ++ ++如果对手要求知道某个触发式异能的确切触发时机,或需要了解可能会受到已结算之触发式异能影响的某个游戏物件的详细信息,则该牌手便可能需要在该异能的操控者尚未表明自己认识到该异能存在的情况下,提前指出这个触发式异能。|\\ Suppose Alex controls Cathedral of War and attacks with a single 2/2 Bear Cub, proceeding through to the declare blockers step without mentioning the triggered ability. After declaring blockers, Nat considers casting Shock targeting the unblocked Bear Cub.\\ 假设Alex操控战事圣堂(颂威)并使用一个2/2幼熊进行攻击。他直接进入了宣告阻挡者步骤,而并没有提及触发式异能。在宣告阻挡者之后,对手Nat考虑对这个未被阻挡的幼熊施放电震。\\ Nat has two options — they could simply cast Shock, targeting the Bear Cub, hoping that Alex forgot about the trigger. However, by doing so, Nat risks Alex acknowledging the trigger by not putting the Bear Cub into the graveyard. In other words, just because Alex didn’t explicitly announce the trigger doesn’t mean they missed it — the point at which the trigger would first matter in this case would be after Shock resolves. So, if Nat were to attempt this ploy, they risk wasting the Shock.\\ Nat有两个选择。要么他以幼熊为目标施放电震,希望Alex忘记触发。如果他这么做,他便冒着Alex记住这个触发,不将幼熊置入坟墓场的风险。换句话说,Alex即使没有声明这个触发,也不说明他就遗忘了——在此例中,触发第一次产生作用的时点是电震结算以后。如果Nat想要这样冒险的话,他可能会浪费他的电震。\\ Alternatively, Nat could ask Alex what Bear Cubs current power/toughness is. This is derived information, so Alex isn’t required to answer, but if they do, Nat knows if the trigger is missed or not.\\ 要么Nat可以先问Alex幼熊现在的攻击力和防御力是多少。这是推断信息,Alex并不必回答这个问题。但如果他回答了,Nat便会知道触发是否被遗忘。\\ This may seem somewhat unsatisfactory to Nat, since asking questions about the toughness of the Bear Cub will probably remind Alex about the trigger and give them one last opportunity to acknowledge it. However, as the IPG says, “triggered abilities are assumed to be remembered until otherwise indicated.” The policy isn’t designed to let Nat trap Alex, it’s designed to reflect the way players actually play the game.\\ 这对于Nat可能不怎么有利,因为询问幼熊的防御力可能就会提醒Alex的触发。这会给她一个机会来表达这个异能。但是IPG说,“应视作牌手始终记得触发式异能的存在。”方针的编写意图并非是为了让Nat给Alex下套,而是为了反映牌手实际打牌的方式。\\ ++ ++如果牌手做出的某个游戏动作,其结果需根据是否记得未进行过沟通的对手的触发式异能才能判断是否合法,则这位牌手的行为并未触犯任何违规;他们这一游戏动作或就此成功~同时确认该触发确已遗漏~或会被倒回。|\\ It isn't up to the opponent to confirm whether or not a player has missed their trigger before making a play that may be illegal. For example, if Alex is attacking with Pyreheart Wolf, it is not illegal for Nat to block the wolf with one creature. When that block is proposed, it is up to Alex to indicate the illegality of the block or not, and this will determine if the play needs to be rewound.\\ 对手在做游戏动作之前没有责任确认是否牌手遗忘了触发,即使这些触发的结算会导致这些游戏动作成为不合法。举例来说,如果Alex使用葬火心狼攻击,Nat使用一个生物进行阻挡它并非不合法。当Nat提出阻挡时,Alex有责任表示阻挡是不合法的。如果Alex如此表示了,那么这个动作会被倒回。\\ ++ **Players may not cause triggered abilities controlled by an opponent to be missed by taking game actions or otherwise prematurely advancing the game. During an opponent’s turn, if a trigger’s controller demonstrates awareness of the trigger before they take an active role (such as taking an action or explicitly passing priority), the trigger is remembered. The Out-of-Order Sequencing rules (MTR section 4.3) may also be applicable, especially as they relate to batches of actions or resolving items on the stack in an improper order.**\\ ++牌手不得通过执行游戏动作或其他贸然推进游戏进程的手段,以致使对手遗漏由其操控的触发式异能。|\\ This sentence has a lot of philosophical weight, and provides guidance on how to deal with triggered abilities controlled by one player that trigger during another player’s turn. Triggered abilities fitting this description deserve some special consideration. Generally speaking, the active player — that’s the player whose turn it is — controls the flow of the game by taking each turn-based action as they move through that turn’s steps and phases. Magic players rarely explicitly pass priority, most of the time just shortcutting through nearly all of the technical rigmarole.\\ 这句话有很多原则上的分量。它提供了如何处理在一位牌手的回合中另一位牌手操控的触发式异能的指导。符合这种条件触发式异能需要特殊对待。通常来说,主动牌手控制游戏的进程,因为他们要按照回合中阶段和步骤的顺序来执行回合动作。牌手很少声明自己让过优先权,略过大部分繁杂的规则叙述,而通常只是采取简化方式来进行游戏。\\ The reason that policy allows for players to acknowledge triggers just after an opponent takes a game action that would otherwise cause the trigger to be missed is precisely because players do not usually prompt their opponents for actions before moving ahead with their turns. For example, players will often proceed straight from their main phase to declaring attackers without asking the opponent if they want to first do anything — such as announcing any beginning of combat triggers.\\ 方针允许牌手在对手执行会使触发式异能被遗漏的游戏动作之后立即表达触发,正是因为牌手在进行自己的回合时,通常不会提示对手做动作。例如,牌手通常会从行动阶段直接进入宣告攻击者,而并不问对手是否想要做任何事——诸如宣告战斗开始时的触发等。\\ The Missed Trigger policy was written to address the way that players already play the game and not the other way around.\\ 遗漏触发的方针是为了适应解决牌手实际打牌的方式而写的,而非严格按照CR。\\ A player that says nothing about their opponent’s Braids, Cabal Minion trigger before attempting to draw for the turn hasn’t committed an infraction. If an opponent speaks up about the trigger as soon as the card is drawn, the trigger has not been missed.\\ 例如,牌手没有表示对手的柯帮干部布蕾德的触发,就抓了本回合的牌,并没有犯下违规。如果对手在牌手抓牌之时就立即表示了触发,这个触发便没有被遗漏。\\ ++ ++在对手的回合中,如果触发的操控者在他们担任主动角色之前(例如进行游戏动作或明确让过优先权)表明自己认识到触发存在,便视作他们记得此触发。|\\ This sentence simply further clarifies what has been stated above. If a player has a trigger that would happen on an opponent's turn, that player has to actively "miss" it, they can't be moved past the point of acknowledging the trigger by the active player's actions in their own turn. It is also to prevent players from trying to use a loophole in the policy to rush past their opponents trigger, so that they can deny their opponent the trigger. This sentence closes the perception of that loophole. You cannot force your opponent to miss their trigger.\\ 这句话进一步说明了上面的方针。如果牌手操控一个将在对手回合触发的异能,不能因为主动牌手(即对手)因为其回合中的行动越过了表达触发的时点,就判断牌手遗漏了这个触发。这也避免了牌手试图利用方针中的漏洞,快速进行游戏以越过对手的触发时点,来阻止对手的异能触发。这句话填补了漏洞的可能性。你不能强迫对手忘记触发。\\ ++ ++次序不当的行事顺序之相关规则(MTR第4.3节)亦应纳入考量,因为这部分规则与未以恰当顺序进行一系列动作或结算堆叠上的多个物件有关。|\\ From MTR 4.3: Due to the complexity of accurately representing a game of Magic, it is acceptable for players to engage in a block of actions that, while technically in an incorrect order, arrive at a legal and clearly understood game state once they are complete.\\ 引用MTR 4.3:由于要想准确进行一盘万智牌游戏十分复杂,因此牌手在进行一组动作的时候,即便严格说来次序不当,但只要在动作全部完成之后仍能呈现出合法及清晰游戏状态,便是可以接受的。\\ All actions taken must be legal if they were executed in the correct order, and any opponent can ask the player to do the actions in the correct sequence so that they can respond at the appropriate time (at which point players will not be held to any still-pending actions).\\ 所有动作在其以正确顺序执行的情况下必须都是合法的,并且任何对手都可以在任何时候要求牌手以正确顺序执行动作,以便他可以在合适的时间响应(此时不要求牌手继续执行先前尚待执行的动作)。\\ An out-of-order sequence must not result in a player prematurely gaining information which could reasonably affect decisions made later in that sequence.\\ 次序不当的行事顺序不能导致牌手提前获得可能影响后续行动决定的信息。\\ This means that, in certain situations, players may acknowledge a trigger as part of a block of actions, some of which may technically be later than the point at which the trigger would first matter, without the trigger being missed.\\ 这意味着在一些情况下,牌手可以在一系列行动之后表达某个触发,且这系列行动中的一部分严格来说本应在触发第一次产生影响之后才会发生,而不会被视为遗漏触发。\\ For example, a player may, in quick succession, sacrifice Pitchburn Devils to pay the cost of their Carrion Feeder’s activated ability, then put a counter on the Carrion Feeder, and then say “you take 3,” without Pitchburn Devils’s trigger being considered missed. If the player takes these actions all at once without leaving an opportunity for the opponent to indicate responses or provide additional information, this should usually be ruled a legal out-of-order sequence of actions.\\ 例如,牌手可以快速连续地为腐食怪(牺牲一个生物:在腐食怪上放置一个+1/+1指示物)牺牲燃沥青魔鬼(当燃沥青魔鬼死去时,它对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害),在腐食怪上放置一个+1/+1指示物,然后再说“打你3”,而不会被视为遗漏触发。如果牌手一次性执行了这些动作,而没有留给对手表示回应或提供额外信息的机会,这通常在判决时应视为合法的次序不当的行事顺序。\\ A player could not, however, remove the last counter from a Rift Bolt, then draw for the turn, and then say “I’ll Rift Bolt your creature.” Even if the player performs these actions in quick succession and without the opponent saying anything, they would still have gained the knowledge of the card drawn for the turn before choosing their Rift Bolt target. This should usually be ruled a Missed Trigger.\\ 但是,牌手不能从时缝之雷(延缓1,对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害)上移除最后一个指示物,然后抓本回合的牌,再说“我要用时缝之雷打你的生物”。即使牌手快速连续地执行这些动作,对手也还来不及说话,他仍然还是从本回合抓的牌中获得额外信息之后,再选择时缝之雷的目标。这通常在判决时被视为遗漏触发。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **If the triggered ability is an enters-the-battlefield trigger of an Aura that affects only the enchanted permanent and causes a visible change to that permanent, resolve the ability immediately.**\\ ++若该触发式异能系由进战场之灵气触发,仅影响其所结附的永久物并对其产生可见变化,则立即结算之。|\\ Mostly these will be Auras that tap the permanent such as Malfunction, once the missed trigger has been noticed the trigger will be resolved tapping the permanent immediately.\\ 这类异能绝大多数是横置其结附之永久物的异能。一旦注意到了遗漏触发,该异能将结算,立即横置该永久物。\\ ++\\ **If the triggered ability is a delayed triggered ability that undoes a zone change (including token creation) caused by the effect that created the delayed triggered ability, the opponent chooses whether to resolve the ability the next time a player would get priority or when a player would get priority at the start of the next phase.The new zone does not need to be the same as the one the card was originally moved from.**\\ ++若该触发式异能系由改变某物件区域(包括派出衍生物)之效应产生、用于复原前述区域改变的延迟式触发异能,则由对手选择是令其在下一次将有牌手获得优先权时结算,还是在下一个阶段开始、有牌手将获得优先权时结算。|\\ This type of triggered ability, known as delayed zone-change triggers, frequently exist in order to “clean things up.” While this type of trigger includes a lot of delayed sacrifices of tokens (Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Thatcher Revolt, Geist of Saint Traft, etc.), it also includes many abilities that are utterly vital to the continued use of the associated object or objects.\\ 这类触发式异能通常称作改变区域的延迟触发,经常在做“清理性工作”的异能中出现。这类异能不仅包括牺牲衍生物的延迟触发(例如裂镜奇奇几奇、屋匠起义、圣沙弗的游魂等),还包括一些为了使相关的一个或多个物件能够持续使用而至关重要的异能。\\ For example, the delayed triggered abilities that return Aetherling and Obzedat, Ghost Council to the battlefield are included in this category. These triggers are necessary for the creatures’ controllers to be able to continue using them that game. The opponent chooses whether the trigger occurs “now” (when a player would get priority) or “in a moment” (when a player would get priority at the start of the next phase).\\ 例如,将乙太精怪和欧节达鬼影议会移回战场的延迟触发式异能就属此类。为了让其操控者能在该盘游戏中继续使用这些生物,这些触发应当存在。对手选择它们“现在”(当牌手将获得优先权时)结算,或者“一会儿”(当牌手在下一个阶段开始将获得优先权时)结算。\\ The timing option here allows for a bit of control over creatures appearing and disappearing from the battlefield mid-combat. Putting the control in the hands of the opponent is acceptable because the opponent isn’t the one who missed his or her trigger, and this allows the opponent to minimize the impact of the player “suddenly” remembering the trigger. It does also allow the opponent to notice and wait to point it out even if this is to their advantage.\\ 这个时机的选项可以稍微控制生物在战斗中出现或消失的情况。将选择权交给对手是可以接受的,因为遗漏触发的人并不是对手,这样做也能让对手尽量减少牌手“突然记住”触发带来的影响。这个选项也允许对手在注意到遗漏触发之后,等到对他最有利的时机再指出。\\ Resolving a delayed zone-change trigger that returns a creature to the battlefield at the start of the next phase means that if a player notices his or her own missed trigger during his or her opponent’s end step, the opponent may choose to have the creature remain exiled until the player’s upkeep. That means this creature will have summoning sickness and won’t be able to attack that turn. Of course, an opponent can still opt to have that creature returned to the battlefield when a player got priority during that end of turn step if he or she really wanted to.\\ 结算一个在下个阶段开始时将生物返回战场的延迟触发意味着,如果牌手在对手的结束步骤注意到了遗漏触发,对手可以选择让这个生物在该牌手的维持再移回战场。这意味着这个生物会召唤失调,该回合不能攻击。当然,对手也可以让它在他的回合结束阶段下一次牌手获得优先权时移回战场,如果他真的想如此做的话。\\ Finally, wherever the opponent chooses to place the trigger, it is resolved immediately, without using the stack. This is to prevent responding to these triggers that should have already happened.\\ 最后,无论对手如何选择把异能放在什么时候,该异能会立刻结算而不使用堆叠。这是为了防止本应发生的触发被牌手响应。\\ Notably, the opponent gets to choose the “when,” but not the “if.” One reason for this has to do with the fact that many zone-change triggers are, as pointed out above, utterly vital to the continued use of the associated objects. If an opponent got to choose whether these triggers happened at all, this infraction might be a little too harsh on players who, for example, suddenly find their Aetherling exiled forever just because they forgot to return it last turn. From the previous section: “Triggered abilities are common and invisible, so players should not be harshly penalized when forgetting about one.” So, policy has to have some special consideration here.\\ 注意,对手能选择的是“何时”而非“是否”结算。这样处理的一个原因是很多改变区域的触发式异能对于持续使用相关物件是至关重要的。如果对手可以选择这些触发是否发生,对于那些忘了上回合把乙太精怪移回场,结果发现乙太精怪因此被永远放逐的牌手而言,这个判罚会显得过重了。上一段中说:“触发式异能属于常见异能,且其机制较为隐蔽,因此不应在牌手忘记处理该类异能时即对其采取严厉的惩罚措施。”因此,方针不得不作出一些特殊的考虑。\\ Also of interest is that even though these abilities don’t expire, players are still under no obligation to remind the opponent of their existence. A player is perfectly within policy by remaining quiet for several turns despite having noticed that his opponent’s Obzedat, Ghost Council never returned from exile.\\ 有意思的是,即使这些异能的持续时限不会结束,牌手仍然没有义务提醒对手这些异能的存在。牌手对于对手的欧节达鬼影议会呆在放逐区好几个回合没回来保持沉默是完全符合方针的。\\ ++ ++新的区域不需要与牌原本来自的区域相同。|\\ ++ **For all other triggered abilities, if the ability was missed prior to the current phase in the previous turn, instruct the players to continue playing. If the triggered ability created an effect whose duration has already expired, instruct the players to continue playing.**\\ ++对所有其他触发式异能而言,以前一回合中相同的阶段为限,如果发生遗漏异能此事的时机早于此限,则令牌手继续游戏。|\\ If it’s been more than a turn since the trigger was missed, the ability is skipped with no further resolution. Remember, though, that if that ability were detrimental for the controlling player, they should still receive a penalty no matter how long it’s been.\\ 如果遗漏触发以后过了一个回合以上,那么异能便会被忽略,也不会再结算。但是要记住,如果异能对于其操控者是不利的,无论过了多久,该牌手仍然应该获得警告判罚。\\ ++ ++如果属于该触发式异能产生之效应的持续时限已结束的情况,则令牌手继续游戏。|\\ For example, if the missed triggered ability lasts “until [some amount of time]” or “for as long as [some condition],” then the ability has a duration. If a Missed Trigger is not noticed until after the amount of time has elapsed or the condition is no longer true, the ability is skipped with no further resolution.\\ 例如,遗漏的触发式异能具有“直到[时限]”或“只要于[条件]的时间内”,此异能便具有持续时限。如果直到该时限结束、或提及的条件不再成立,该触发式异能都没有被注意到,该异能便会被忽略,也不会再结算。\\ Examples: Battlegrace Angel, Colossal Whale, Nivix Cyclops\\ 范例:战华天使、超巨鲸、尼米斯独眼巨人\\ ++ **If the triggered ability isn’t covered by the previous paragraphs, the opponent chooses whether the triggered ability is added to the stack. If it is, it’s inserted at the appropriate place on the stack if possible or on the bottom of the stack. No player may make choices for the triggered ability involving objects that would not have been legal choices when the ability should have triggered. For example, if the ability instructs a player to sacrifice a creature, that player can't sacrifice a creature that wasn't on the battlefield when the ability should have triggered.**\\ ++如果该触发式异能不属于前面段落所述之情况,则由对手选择是否要将该触发式异能加入堆叠。|\\ So, run through the checks above. If none of them fit, this is our default.\\ 如果经过检查,异能都不符合上面的情况,那么下面就是预设的解决方法。\\ The opponent should be explicitly asked if they would like the ability to go on the stack. Judges should not just assume that players won’t want triggers harmful to them or helpful to an opponent to be skipped, no matter how silly asking might seem.\\ 裁判应当明确询问对手是否想要将该异能放进堆叠。即使问起来可能显得很愚蠢,裁判也不能默认牌手一定想让对其不利或对对手有利的异能被略过。\\ ++ ++如果要将异能加入堆叠,则将该异能插入堆叠中其原本应处的位置(若能如此作)或是堆叠底。|\\ One case in which it might not be possible to insert the trigger in the appropriate place on the stack is if some of the other abilities that triggered at the same time as the Missed Trigger have since resolved and are no longer there.\\ 有一种不能将异能插入原本应处的位置的情况是,另一些与其同时触发的异能已经结算并不在堆叠里。\\ ++ ++牌手在为该触发式异能作选择时,不得涉及于此异能原本应触发的时点尚不在相应区域当中的物件。|\\ When placing missed triggers on the stack, players may make choices only about objects that could have been chosen had the trigger not been missed. Because there is one-turn expiration on placing missed triggers on the stack, it’s unlikely that many permanents have moved around in the interim. For this reason, remembering which objects were in which zones shouldn’t be too taxing to either player’s memory.\\ 在将遗漏的触发放进堆叠时,牌手只能做出如果该堆叠没有遗漏的情况下可以做出的选择。因为将异能放回堆叠只有一回合的时效,通常不太可能在这段时间内有很多永久物改变区域。因此,记住哪个物件在哪个区域应该不会耗费双方牌手过多的记忆。\\ ++ ++举例来说,如果该异能令牌手牺牲一个生物,则该牌手不得牺牲于此异能本应触发之时点尚不在战场上的生物。|\\ If a player unintentionally misses their own Smokestack trigger (At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player sacrifices a permanent for each soot counter on Smokestack), but this is not noticed until after the player has moved into their first main phase and played a land, the player should receive a Warning and the opponent should be asked if they would like the trigger to go on the stack. If the trigger is placed on the stack, then the player may not choose the land they just played for the turn as one of the permanents to sacrifice.\\ 如果牌手无意中忘记了他自己的烟囱的触发(在每位牌手的维持开始时,烟囱上每有一个油烟指示物,该牌手便牺牲一个永久物。),但直到该牌手的战斗前行动阶段下了一块地以后才注意到,该牌手应当获得一个警告,并且裁判应当询问对手是否想让该触发进入堆叠。如果该触发被放进堆叠,该牌手不得在结算烟囱的异能时选择牺牲他这回合刚下的这块地。\\ ++ **If the player is in the process of, or has just completed, an action that indicates the trigger has been missed, and completing that action would change the effect of the trigger, a simple backup may be performed on that action.**\\ ++如果牌手正在进行或刚刚完成一个动作表明其遗漏了触发,并且完成该动作会改变该触发式异能的效应,则可以对该动作进行简易倒回。|\\ ++ **Upgrade: If the triggered ability is usually considered detrimental for the controlling player and they own the card responsible for the existence of the trigger, the penalty is a Warning. The current game state is not a factor in determining this, though symmetrical abilities (such as Howling Mine) may be considered usually detrimental or not depending on who is being affected.**\\ ++升级:如果该触发式异能属于“通常认为对其操控牌手不利”,且由操控牌手拥有的牌张产生,则罚则为警告。|\\ “Usually detrimental” triggers are often all-downside triggers that have been added to some card in order to balance out some other above-the-curve stats or other beneficial effects. Other times, “usually detrimental” triggers are ones that “clean up” a game state by causing the controller to sacrifice some temporarily-created tokens or to give a momentarily nullified permanent back to an opponent.\\ “通常认为对其操控牌手不利”的触发通常是全为负面的异能,这些异能通常加在一些高于曲线属性或其他正面效应的牌之上,以进行平衡。另一些“通常不利”的异能是用于“清理”游戏状态的异能,例如使其操控者牺牲一些临时创造的衍生物、或将暂时去除的永久物还给对手的异能。\\ Furthermore, “usually detrimental” means that you should consider the card associated with the trigger in a vacuum and not take into account any game-specific information in order to determine whether or not a trigger is detrimental. Toby Elliott once said ([[http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2012/09/17/missed-triggers-2/|on his blog]]) that one guideline for making this determination is to ask yourself: “If the trigger didn’t exist, would the card be played?” If the answer is no, then the ability is probably not detrimental.\\ 进一步说明,你可以在不涉及任何具体游戏信息的情况下考虑这张牌,来判断一个异能是否是“通常认为对其操控牌手不利”。Toby Elliott曾([[http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2012/09/17/missed-triggers-2/|在其博客上]])说明了如何进行这种判断:“如果这个触发不存在,这张牌会变更好还是变更差?”问问自己这个问题,如果答案是“变更差”,那这个异能一般不是不利的异能。\\ In theory, all triggered abilities in Magic could be classified as either detrimental or non-detrimental — in fact, a small group of judges are endeavoring to accomplish this very thing with the [[http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Missed_Trigger_Guides|Missed Trigger Guides project]].\\ 理论上,万智牌中所有的触发式异能都可以分成有利或不利的。有一群裁判致力于这件事情,你可以在这里查看他们的成果:[[http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Missed_Trigger_Guides|遗漏触发指南]]\\ The last sentence is added for cards like The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale or Kataki, War's Wage. They has a mostly-defunct template which creates triggers on other objects, notably opponent objects.\\ 最后一句话是为诸如The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale/潘卓欧谷大礼拜堂或是Kataki, War's Wage/战仇祸太奇这类牌增加的。这些牌的异能写法现在几乎已经不再用,它们会为其他物件(尤其是对手的物件)赋予触发式异能。\\ We cleaned up the default action. What about the Warning? How do we make these triggers not detrimental? It turns out there’s an intuitive solution – a trigger is only detrimental for you if you caused its existence. Always take responsibility for your creations!\\ 我们现在去掉了预设动作。那警告怎么办?我们如何不把这类触发式异能看成是不利的?有一种很直观的解决方法——只有你造成了触发式异能的存在,它对你才是不利的。永远都要为你自己创造的东西负起责任!\\ ++ ++在判断异能性质时,不应考虑当前的游戏状态,但对于对等触发的异能而言(例如嚎叫的矿井/Howling Mine),则可根据当前受其影响的牌手来判断此异能是否属于通常认为之不利异能。|\\ When determining if a trigger is ‘usually detrimental,’ we do not look at the game state. A Dark Confidant trigger at 20 life is the same as a Dark Confidant trigger at 1 life. This is because we want consistent rulings and there is no way to take game state into account and have every judge answer the same way.\\ 当判断触发式异能是不是“通常不利”的时,我们不考虑游戏状态。黑暗亲信的异能在20生命与1点生命时没有区别。这是因为我们需要判决的一致性,而游戏状态千变万化,并且每个裁判可能都会对游戏状态做出不同的判断。\\ However, we are allowed to consider symmetrical abilities differently based on who is affected. What exactly is a symmetrical ability? Symmetrical abilities are triggered abilities that meet two conditions. They: 1. are likely to trigger multiple times per game, triggering for different players 2. have the same effect on both players.\\ 但是,我们可以根据所影响的牌手来判断对等触发的异能是否是通常不利的。什么是对等触发?对等触发需要满足两个条件:1. 每盘游戏会触发多次,并对不同的牌手都会触发;2. 对于每位牌手会产生同样的效应。\\ Examples include Howling Mine, Sulfuric Vortex, and Burning Earth. A symmetrical ability may either do something positive to both players, or do something negative to both players, but would never do something positive to one player and negative to the other player. Furthermore, a symmetrical ability must have its effect on each player during separate instances of the same ability. For example, Sire of Insanity’s triggered ability (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.) is not symmetrical.\\ 这类异能的例子有:嚎叫的矿井、硫磺旋风、燃烧土地等。对等触发异能可能对双方牌手都是有利的,也可能对双方牌手都是不利的,但从不会对其中一位牌手是有利的而对另一位牌手是不利的。并且,对等触发异能在每次触发时,都应当只影响其中一位牌手。例如,疯狂君父的触发式异能(在每个结束步骤开始时,每位牌手弃掉其手牌。)不是对等触发异能。\\ If a player misses a symmetrical trigger that would be either bad for them or good for an opponent, they should receive a Warning.\\ 如果牌手遗漏了对其不利或对对手有利的对等触发,他应当得到警告判罚。\\ ++ [[:IPG:2|第二章 - 游戏行动失误]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.2|2.2. 游戏行动失误~额外看牌]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}