[[:IPG:1.5|1.5. 牌叠]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.1|2.1. 游戏行动失误~遗漏触发]] ====== 2.0 Game Play Errors 游戏行动失误 ====== **Game Play Errors are caused by incorrect or inaccurate play of the game such that it results in violations of the Magic Comprehensive Rules. Many offenses fit into this category and it would be impossible to list them all. The guide below is designed to give judges a framework for assessing how to handle a Game Play Error.**\\ ++游戏行动失误是以不正确或是不精准的行动来进行游戏,而导致违反《万智牌完整规则》的结果。|\\ This is the first of three broad categories of infractions. This covers unintentional violations of the Comprehensive Rules —errors in actually playing the game, and not violations of tournament policy or other negative behavior.\\ 这是三大类违规行为的第一类。这类违规包含的是游戏中无意中违反CR造成的违规,而非违反比赛方针或犯下其他负面行为。\\ These are errors committed by at least one player during a match by unintentionally violating a Comprehensive Rule. Game Play Errors (GPEs) can occur for many reasons. Players get tired, get distracted, play too fast, or don’t know the cards or the rules that apply to a complex situation well enough. These situations are not exceptional, which is why GPEs are a common category of error.\\ 这些失误是由于至少一位牌手在比赛中无意违反《万智牌完整规则》中的某一条而造成的。游戏行动失误(GPE)发生的原因可能有很多:牌手累了,分心了,打得太快,不熟悉牌或不够了解某些复杂情况下的适用的规则等。不幸的是,这些情况非常容易发生,这就是为什么GPE这类失误十分常见。\\ ++ ++许多违规都属于此类情况,但不可能全数详列。|\\ Given the complexity of the game, it is impossible to make a list of all the types of errors that can occur, so we, as judges, don’t try. We want this document to be understandable and learnable. If we list everything and handle all special cases, this document would be hundreds of pages long and unusable. Instead, we divide these errors into general categories, known as the 6 GPEs defined by the IPG.\\ 鉴于万智牌游戏的复杂性,将所有可能发生的错误之类型一一列举是不可能的。所以我们作为裁判,也不打算尝试去列举。我们希望这份文件是可以被理解和学习的。如果我们列举了所有东西、顾及了所有特殊情形,这份文件就可能有几百页长,无法使用。因此,我们将这些错误进行大致的分类,也就是IPG中定义的6种游戏行动失误。\\ ++ ++以下的方针是设计给裁判参考的构架,用来决定如何处理游戏行动失误。|\\ While it may be difficult, at first glance, to see which category that some particular infraction falls into, careful reading of the entire infraction — the definition, philosophy, and remedy, can help make the determination.\\ 虽然某些违规第一眼看上去很难将其归类,但经过对违规的仔细阅读——包括定义、原则、修正等——可以帮你确定违规的类型。\\ ++ **Most Game Play Error infractions are assumed to have been committed unintentionally. If the judge believes that the error was intentional, they should first consider whether an Unsporting Conduct — Cheating infraction has occurred.**\\ ++大部分游戏行动失误的违规都假设该违规是无意间发生的。|\\ Errors committed intentionally, of course, may fall into a different category altogether: Unsporting Conduct — Cheating. However, it’s important to notice that not all game errors are cheating. In fact, very few actually are.\\ 故意犯下的违规,显然属于另一种违规:举止违背运动道德~作弊。很重要的一点,是记住并非所有游戏错误都是作弊。(事实上,只有极少部分才是作弊)\\ We like to assume players are nice, and when we walk up to a table, we aren’t accusing people of cheating. That might change once we ask a few questions, but when we start out, our baseline assumption is that we are dealing with an honest mistake.\\ 我们通常会假设牌手是正直的,当我们走到桌前,我们并不指责任何人在作弊。也许我们问了几个问题后会改变想法,但是当我们开始时,我们的基础假设是我们正在处理一个诚实的错误。\\ ++ ++假如裁判认为系蓄意造成该失误,则应该先考虑此违规是否属于“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。|\\ This is the other side of the coin; even if the task of a judge is always to help the players, we must never forget that they can lie or cheat to get an advantage. The experience and advice of more experienced judges can help to frame the situation correctly and to find out if a player was aware of committing an offense or not.\\ 如同硬币的另一面,即使帮助牌手是裁判的任务,我们也决不能忘记他们可能会通过撒谎以及作弊来获取优势。经验以及来自经验更加丰富裁判的建议可以帮助正确分析情形,并推断出牌手的违规是否明知故犯。\\ ++ **With the exception of Failure to Maintain Game State, which is never upgraded, the third or subsequent Warning for a Game Play Error offense in the same category is upgraded to a Game Loss. For multi-day tournaments, the penalty count for these infractions resets between days.**\\ ++除了始终不会升级的“未维护游戏状态”之外,第三次或更多次犯下同类型游戏行动失误而得到的警告,均应升级为一盘负。|\\ We want players to learn something from their mistakes and take care to not commit them again in the future. If a player repeatedly makes mistakes, the Warning is not doing its job of reinforcing the lesson, and therefore we must increase the severity of the penalty to a Game Loss. When giving a GPE to a player, be sure to ask if they have received the infraction before. Note that this is the third or subsequent penalty, not Warning. If a player has received 2 Game Rule Violations that have been upgraded to Game Losses, and they commit a third Game Rule Violation, that is still upgraded to a Game Loss as well.\\ 我们希望牌手从错误中学到教训并在未来小心不再犯。如果一个牌手重复犯错,警告已经不足以加强教训,因此我们必须增加判罚的严厉程度到一盘负。当我们给予一个牌手游戏行动失误判罚时,一定要询问他们此前有没收到同种判罚。注意第三次及之后的判罚没有警告。如果一个牌手已经获得了两次升级为一盘负的违反游戏规则,接着犯下了第三次违反游戏规则,这依然还是升级为一盘负。\\ Regarding the Failure to Maintain Game State infraction be prepared for some players to not understand why they are getting a Warning. “But judge, I didn’t do anything wrong?” Take a few seconds to explain to the player why they are getting the Warning, and if he or she still wishes to discuss it, you can talk about it after the match. While they still get the Warning, we do not upgrade this infraction as we do other tournament errors. This is because we do not want players to fear calling a judge. Being awarded a Game Loss because my opponents made play mistakes and I didn’t catch doesn’t make sense. And, if this is the third time that my opponent has made a play mistake that I didn’t catch over the course of the tournament, I might be reluctant to call a judge and have my Failure to Maintain Game State upgraded, so I choose to pretend that I didn’t notice. We don’t want our policy to encourage cheating. \\ 对于未维护游戏状态这个判罚,很多牌手不理解为什么他们要吃到警告:“裁判,我没做错啥啊?”请花费一点时间跟牌手解释一下为什么他们会得到这个判罚,如果牌手仍然想要讨论这个问题,请让他们在对局结束后再讨论。虽然他们吃了警告,但与其他很多判罚不同,我们不会将这个判罚升级。这是因为我们不想让牌手对叫裁判产生恐惧感。因为对手犯下游戏错误却自己吃到一盘负是不合理的。假如FTMGS要升级的话,我可能会在第三次对手犯错而我没有当场发现的时候不愿意主动叫裁判,为了避免我的判罚被升级,我还不如假装自己没看到这个错误。这样做如同鼓励作弊,而我们并不想让方针鼓励作弊。\\ If we don’t upgrade this penalty, though, why give Warnings at all? There are two reasons: the first is that the act of receiving a Warning is generally enough to remind a player to pay more attention. The second is so we can track them. If a player tends to get Failure to Maintain Game State a lot, and the related error is always in his favor, this gives judges the ability to track these infractions - and when added to the larger infraction database, we can track across events too.\\ 从另一方面讲,如果我们不升级判罚,那为什么还要给这个判罚呢?有两个原因:一是警告判罚通常足以引起玩家的注意,让他们进行游戏时多加小心。二是我们可以追踪这些判罚。如果某牌手总是获得一大堆FTMGS,而相关的错误又通常是对他有利的,这让裁判能追踪该牌手的行为。并且,把这些判罚加入判罚数据库之后,我们也可以在多场赛事中持续追踪牌手的行为。\\ ++ ++对于历时多日的比赛而言,牌手当天的此类违规处罚累犯计数会在次日清零。|\\ Multi-day tournaments reset between days because it was determined to be unreasonable that the upgrade path was held at three regardless of the number of rounds in an event — it's much easier to accumulate three GPEs over a fifteen round Grand Prix than a five round MCQs.\\ 历时多日的比赛会在次日重置判罚累计次数是因为无论几轮的比赛都是三次累积升级是不公平的——在15轮的GP上累积三次游戏行动失误远比在5轮的MCQ上容易。++\\ [[:IPG:1.5|1.5. 牌叠]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:2.1|2.1. 游戏行动失误~遗漏触发]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}