[[:IPG:1.3|1.3. 随机化牌库]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:1.5|1.5. 牌叠]] ====== 1.4 Backing Up 倒回 ====== **Some infractions in this document permit the judge to consider the possibility of a backup. Due to the amount of information that may become available to players and might affect their play, backups are regarded as a solution of last resort, only applied in situations where leaving the game in the current state is a substantially worse solution. A good backup will result in a situation where the gained information makes no difference and the line of play remains the same (excepting the error, which has been fixed). This means limiting backups to situations with minimal decision trees.**\\ ++本文档中的某些违规允许裁判考虑进行倒回。|\\ These infractions are IPG 2.5 Game Rule Violation, IPG 2.3 Hidden Card Error, and IPG 3.7 Communication Policy Violation.\\ 允许倒回的违规是IPG 2.5违反游戏规则、IPG 2.3额外抓牌、以及IPG 3.7违反交流原则。\\ ++ ++由于此举可能会向牌手透露信息,且牌手可能由此改变游戏行动,因此“倒回”应作为最后的处理手段,仅适用于“保留当前游戏状态反而结果更糟”的情形。|\\ A whole article can be written on this topic, and fortunately, [[http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2013/08/20/backups-embracing-the-rewind/|one has been]]. In short, don't be quick to backup. You need to take into consideration what actions the players have taken since, what information has been revealed, and the possibility of making things worse. We don't always have to backup. It's not "backup if you can, else leave everything alone" it's "leave things alone unless it's really really worse than backing up." Remember, both players are responsible for the game state. No matter how messed up things have gotten, both players had opportunities to prevent it.\\ 这句话可以展开写一整篇文章了。幸运的是,已经有人[[http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2013/08/20/backups-embracing-the-rewind/|写过了一篇]]。简短来说,不要贸然决定倒回。裁判需要考虑牌手已经执行的动作、哪些信息已经泄露、以及倒回会不会让问题更糟。裁判不是一定要执行倒回。并不是“能倒就倒,倒不了才保持原样”,而是“如果保持这样的话实在糟糕了,所以只能倒回”。注意,双方牌手都应该尽力保持游戏状态正确。不管场面变得多么乱,两位牌手都有机会来避免错误发生。\\ ++ ++良好的倒回结果应是:双方牌手获得的信息与此前一致,游戏进行的过程没有区别(错误已被修正)。这意味着倒回仅适用于存在最小决策树之情形。|\\ This is a nice way of saying that the backup was minimally impactful. For example, the active player casts Terror on a White Knight, and the White Knight is put in the graveyard. In this case a rewind is quick and clean and doesn't impact any decisions. But now lets add to the scenario. Let's say the active player cast the Terror to remove a blocker and then attacked with their entire team. In this case more decisions have been made. A rewind may be acceptable, but it may alter the attack. Finally, the active player cast Terror on the Knight, attacked. The opponent blocked. Combat tricks were used on both sides. In this case, too much information has been revealed. Backing up to the point of error would drastically impact the flow of the turn. The fewer decisions, the more likely a rewind is acceptable.\\ 换句话说,倒回的影响应该尽可能小。例如,主动牌手对白骑士施放了惊骇,白骑士现在在坟场。在这种情况下倒回是很干净的,并不会影响任何决定。现在我们来加入一些新的信息。比如说主动牌手施放惊骇来去除一个阻挡者,然后用所有生物进攻。在这种情况下,牌手做出了更多的决定。倒回可能是可以接受的,但是这可能会改变进攻的决定。最后的例子里面,主动牌手用惊骇杀了白骑士以后进攻。对手阻挡了。两边都使用了战斗trick。这种情况下,泄露的信息太多了。如果倒回到错误发生的时间点,会极大的改变这个回合牌手思考的流程。牌手做出的决定越少,倒回可以接受的可能性就越大。\\ ++ **Only the Head Judge may authorize a backup. At large tournaments, they may choose to delegate this responsibility to Team Leaders.**\\ ++只有主审可允许进行倒回。在大型比赛中,主审可委派领队承担此许可职责。|\\ This shouldn't come as a surprise. Any time you are about to do something that cannot be easily reversed (such as an erroneous Game Loss, or a mangled rewind) the Head Judge must be consulted first. At big events, such as a Grand Prix or StarCityGames Opens, the Head Judge may allow Team Leaders to authorize backups. If this is the case, this will be communicated during the judge meeting. Now, this does not mean that if you feel a backup is a good idea, you can't request a backup from the Head Judge.\\ 看到这条不应该感到惊讶。在任何时候,当你要做出一些较难修正回来的事情时(比如错误的一盘负,或者有问题的倒回)你需要先咨询主审。在大型比赛中,比如GP或SCG公开赛,主审可能会允许各组的组长做这些决定。如果是这种情况,那么这些事项将会在赛前裁判会议的时候宣布。但是如果你觉得倒回是个好主意的话,你当然也可以向主审提出要求。\\ ++ **To perform a backup, each individual action since the point of the error is reversed, starting with the most recent ones and working backwards. Every action must be reversed; no parts of the sequence should be omitted or reordered. If the identity of a card involved in reversing an action is unknown to one of the players (usually because it was drawn), a random card is chosen from the possible candidates. Actions that caused a player to learn the identity of cards at a specific location in the library are reversed by shuffling those cards into the random portion of the library unless they were subsequently drawn; cards being returned to the library as part of the backup should not be shuffled at that stage if their identity was known to only one player.**\\ ++执行倒回的流程如下:从最近的行动开始逐步回退,还原做过的所有行动,直到游戏来到发生失误的时间点为止。所有的行动都必须还原;不得省略或重排一连串行动当中的若干步骤。|\\ Ask the players what happened. You should have a clear understanding of each action that needs to be reversed before you start doing a backup. There should be no "I'm not sure what lands were tapped" or "I don't remember if they attacked with that creature or tapped to use its ability". Undo each action, in order. You don't get to skip anything or switch stuff around. You must return exactly to the point of error, exactly the way it happened. This is to protect you as much as the players. If you rewind everything in reverse order, the players can see and understand what is going on.\\ 向牌手询问发生了什么。在倒回前,你应该让自己清楚的理解你需要倒回的每一个动作。不能出现“我不确定这个地是横着的还是竖着的”或“我忘了这个生物是启动异能横的还是进攻横的了”的情况。依次倒回每一个动作。不能略过任何一个或者打乱顺序。你必须精确的倒回至错误发生的时点。这将同样保护你和牌手。如果你依原次序倒回,牌手将会看到并理解发生了什么。\\ ++ ++如果在还原行动时,涉及到有牌手无法辨认之牌张(通常是因为该牌被抓上手),则从可能的牌张中随机选择一张。|\\ Rewinding through a card draw can make people nervous. It's really not that complicated, but still shouldn't be done lightly. If backing up through a card draw, put the card back where it came from. If the specific card isn't known to all players, put a random one back. Now, as a point of clarity, if you find yourself wanting to shuffle **AFTER** returning a random card from a players hand as part of a rewind, you are probably doing more harm than good at this point with the rewind. Shuffling away a random card from a player's hand is pretty much the definition of "disruptive", but we will see below we can get around that.\\ 倒回抓牌动作可能会让人很紧张。虽然倒回抓牌并不是很复杂,但仍然不能轻易对待。如果在抓过牌之后进行倒回,那么把那张牌放回原处。如果那张牌并不是对所有牌手可见的,那么将一张随机的牌放回去。注意,如果在此之后,你发现在把牌放到牌库顶**后**还需要洗那位牌手的牌库,那么你遇到的情况可能并不适合倒回。把牌手的一张手牌洗回牌库实在是对游戏非常有破坏性;下面会介绍如何倒回洗牌。\\ ++ ++让牌手得知某一张牌在牌库中具体位置的动作,除非是在之后抓起导致的,否则以将这些牌洗进牌库中随机部分的方式进行倒回;由于倒回而回到牌库的牌如果之前只有一位牌手知道内容,则在此步骤中不将它们洗牌。|\\ If we are rewinding through an action that resulted in information about card location in the library becoming known (like scrying), we randomize the portion of the library that information was contained in (in plain language, we shuffle the previously random portion of the library, including the card(s) that became known). If we are rewinding through a drawn card, however, we don’t want to enable that card or another to be shuffled away, and so… it’s not. We simply return a random card from the hand to the top of the library.\\ 当倒回一个能够得知牌库中某些牌张的位置的动作时(例如占卜),我们将包含该信息的牌库部分进行随机化(用更直接的方式来说,就是将原本牌库的随机部分,包括被得知的这些牌,进行洗牌。)但是,如果要倒回一张抓起的牌,我们并不想让这张牌或另一张牌被洗走,所以……它不会被洗走。我们只是将一张随机的牌从手牌放到牌库顶。\\ ++ **Backups involving random/unknown elements should be approached with extreme caution, especially if they cause or threaten to cause a situation in which a player will end up with different cards than they would once they have correctly drawn those cards. For example, returning cards to the library when a player has the ability to shuffle their library is not something that should be done except in extreme situations.**\\ ++涉及随机/未知元素之倒回应谨慎处之,在进行倒回会导致或极可能导致牌手最终手牌内容与正常完成抓牌动作之结果不同的情形下尤甚。举例来说,除极特殊情况外,在牌手能够将牌库洗牌的情况下,不应将牌放回牌库中。|\\ So, any time you are messing around with returning random cards from a player‘s hand you run the risk of drastically changing the game. For example, the player has been holding on to a specific card since their opening draw. In a rewind, that card gets randomly put on top of the library. Then when we proceed forward, the opponent mills a card. Or we return a useless card to the top of the library, and they crack a fetch land to shuffle it away.\\ 任何你把一张随机的手牌放回牌库顶的倒回都可能彻底改变本盘游戏。例如,一位牌手手牌包括一张之前展示过的好牌,如果我们将随机一张牌放到牌库顶的话,他的对手可能在游戏继续的时候决定磨掉该牌手的牌库顶牌。或者,如果我们放的是一张没用的牌的话,该牌手自己可能掰掉一块找地地把那张牌洗进牌库。\\ ++ **Some remedies state a simple backup may be performed. A simple backup is backing up the last action completed (or one currently in progress) and is sometimes used to make another portion of the prescribed remedy smoother. A simple backup should not involve any random elements.**\\ ++某些修正方式注明“可进行简易倒回”。简易倒回是指倒回最后完成(或正在执行)的一个游戏动作,有时用于保证列明之修正方式的其他部分能够顺利执行。|\\ Game Rule Violation mentions that a simple backup may be done before applying a partial fix if it makes sense. This describes what a simple backup is. Simple backups are limited to one action, and exist just to make other fixes have intuitive results.\\ 违反游戏规则这项违规中提到,在适用部分修正之前,如果合适的话则可以进行简易倒回。这一句说明了什么是简易倒回。简易倒回仅限用于倒回一个动作,且这种倒回方式的存在只是为了让其他修正方式能得到符合直觉的结果。\\ ++ ++简易倒回不应涉及任何随机元素。|\\ If you are backing up through a shuffle or returning random cards from the hand to the library or anything of the sort, we are no longer in the realm of “simple”. Stop.\\ 如果倒回涉及到洗牌、将随机的牌移回手牌或洗回牌库这样的情形,这就不再属于“简易”的范畴。不要使用简易倒回。\\ ++ [[:IPG:1.3|1.3. 随机化牌库]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:1.5|1.5. 牌叠]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}