====== wrap 包装文本插件 ====== https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wrap ^class name^description/notes^ ^__columns__ -- similar to [[columns]], [[side_note]], [[styler]], [[tip]]^^ |**''column''** | same as ''left'' in LTR languages and same as ''right'' in RTL languages| |**''left''** | same as ''column'', will let you float your container on the left | |**''right''** | will let the container float right | |**''center''** | will position the container in the horizontal center of the page | |**''col2''**..**''col5''** | will show the text in multiple columns (2, 3, 4 or 5), only works in modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Safari) | ^__widths__ -- :!: **experimental**, might not work as expected, includes mobile support^^ |**''half''** | fits two columns in a row, should be used in pairs | |**''third''** | fits three columns in a row, should be used in triplets | |**''quarter''** | fits four columns in a row, should be used in quads | ^__alignments__ -- similar to [[divalign]], [[columns]], [[styler]] -- :!: don't work with spans!^^ |**''leftalign''** | aligns text on the left | |**''rightalign''** | aligns text on the right | |**''centeralign''** | centers the text | |**''justify''** | justifies the text | ^__boxes and notes__ -- similar to [[box]], [[note]], [[tip]]^^ |**''box''** | creates a box around the container (uses colours from ''style.ini'') | |**''info''** (was ''information'' in first version)| creates a blue box with an info icon | |**''important''** | creates an orange box with an important icon | |**''alert''** (:!: was ''warning'' in previous versions) | creates a red box with a alert icon | |**''tip''** | creates a yellow box with a tip icon | |**''help''** | creates a violet box with a help icon | |**''todo''** | creates a cyan box with an todo icon | |**''download''** | creates a green box with a download icon | |**''round''** | adds rounded corners to any container with a background colour or a border (only works in modern browsers, i.e. no IE)| |**''danger''** | creates a red danger safety note | |**''warning''** | creates an orange warning safety note | |**''caution''** | creates a yellow caution safety note | |**''notice''** | creates a blue notice safety note | |**''safety''** | creates a green safety note | ^__marks__ -- similar to [[emphasis]], [[important_paragraf]], [[importanttext]]^^ |**''hi''** | marks text as highlighted | |**''lo''** | marks text as less significant | |**''em''** | marks text as especially emphasised | ^__miscellaneous__^^ |**''clear''** | similar to [[clearfloat]], should preferably be used with divs, i.e. uppercase ''%%%%''s | |**''tabs''** | if wrapped around a list of links, will show those as tabs | |**''hide''** | hides the text per CSS (the text will still appear in the source code, in non-modern browsers and is searchable) | |**''noprint''** | displays text on the screen, but not in print, similar to [[noprint]] | |**''onlyprint''** | displays text only in print, but not on the screen | |**''pagebreak''** | forces a new page in printouts (not visible on the screen), similar to [[pagebreak]] | |**''nopagebreak''** | tries to avoid a pagebreak in printouts (not visible on the screen) | |**''spoiler''** | shows white text on a white background, only to be revealed by highlighting it; similar to [[hide]] | |**''indent''** | indents the text, could be used instead of [[tab]] | |**''outdent''** | "outdents" the text, could partly be used instead of [[outdent]] | |**''prewrap''** | wraps text inside pre-formatted code blocks, similar to [[wpre]] | All tables inside a column or box will always be 100% wide. This makes positioning and sizing tables possible and partly replaces [[tablewidth]]. ====== box 文本框插件 ====== A simple box: the box contents Some more complex boxes the box contents the box contents the box contents The full syntax: ''**** contents text ****'' * //width// --- any legal CSS width value * //classes// --- any number of classes which use the styles in your template or the plugin's own stylesheet to determine the look of the box. The box plugins comes with the following classes already defined: * //round// --- box will have rounded corners * //blue// --- blue colour scheme * //red// --- red colour scheme * //green// --- green colour scheme * //orange// --- orange colour scheme * //left// --- float the box left within the wiki page * //right// --- float the box right within the wiki page if no classes are specified the default styles will be used, that is square corners in a colour scheme based on the default DokuWiki colour scheme. * //colours// --- 1-4 colours in CSS hex or RGB notation, e.g. ''#F00 #fcab94 rgb(255,255,0)''. The colours are applied in order to: - content background - title background - outer box background - borders if less than four colours are specified, the first colour is used for the missing colours. * //title text// --- text (including DokuWiki markup) displayed above the box contents, with distinct style. * //caption text// --- text (no markup allowed) displayed below the box contents, with distinct style. The opening ''****'' including the title must all appear on one line. The box contents can appear over as many lines as are needed. ====== include 包含页面插件 ====== ===== Examples ===== ''%%{{page>wiki:syntax#Tables}}%%'' will include the section about tables of the syntax page. ''%%{{namespace>project_foo}}%%'' will include all pages in the ''project_foo'' namespace. ''%%{{page>blog:mypage&tags&comments}}%%'' will include the page ''blog:mypage'' and show the tags from the [[tag]] plugin and the number of comments from the [[discussion]] plugin. Both plugins need to be installed for this example. ''%%{{tagtopic>testtag}}%%'' will include all pages with the tag ''testtag'', the [[tag]] plugin needs to be installed for this example. ===== Syntax ===== Simply enclose the ID of the page to be included in double curly brackets: {{page>[id]&[flags]}} {{section>[id]#[section]&[flags]}} {{namespace>[namespace]&[flags]}} {{tagtopic>[tag]&[flags]}} ^ [id] | page ID of the page to include; some [[#macros]] are possible; shortcuts are resolved ('':'', ''.'', ''..'') | required | ^ [section] | limits the included page to a specific section and its subsections | optional; default is the whole page | ^ [tag]|include pages with tag topic tag, requires [[doku>plugin:tag]] |required | ^ [flags] | flags delimited by ''&'', see [[#Configuration and Flags|flags]] | optional | The plugin offers four syntaxes, ''%%{{page>...}}%%'' , ''%%{{section>...}}%%'' , ''%%{{namespace>...}}%%'' and ''%%{{tagtopic>...}}%%''. Section is aimed more at including sections, page at including whole pages and namespace at including whole namespaces. Tagtopic includes all pages with a ''tagtopic'' ''tag''. ====== color 颜色插件 ====== Place this code sample in your playground: text text ====== bbcode 论坛标签插件 ====== ===== Syntax ===== Basic Formatting: [b]bold text[/b] [i]italic text[/i] [u]underline[/u] [s]deleted[/s] [m]monospace[/m] Code and Quoting: [code]