[[:IPG:3.8|3.8. 比赛失误~有记号的牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4|4. 举止违背运动道德]] ====== 3.9 Insufficient Shuffling 未充分洗牌 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player unintentionally fails to sufficiently shuffle their deck or a portion of their deck before presenting it to their opponent, or fails to present it to their opponent for further randomization. A deck is not shuffled if the judge believes a player could know the position or distribution of one or more cards in their deck.**\\ ++牌手在将自己的套牌交给对手之前,非蓄意地未将其套牌或套牌某部分充分洗牌;或是未能将自己的套牌交给对手进行进一步随机化。如果裁判相信牌手可以知道其套牌中某些牌的位置或是分布情况,便可认为牌手未将此套牌洗牌。|\\ When players shuffle their decks, the purpose is to lose track of individual cards in the deck and put the deck into an unknown order. If you believe it is possible for a player to know the rough position of a card or cards within a deck (i.e. the player knows which quarter a particular card is in, or hasn’t shuffled enough to break up a spell, spell, land order) then the deck is not shuffled enough. The exact number of shuffles needed isn’t something we can accurately specify, as it can change based on the number of cards to randomize, but if you feel a deck might not have been shuffled thoroughly enough then it probably fits this infraction. Once a player has shuffled their deck for any reason, that player is responsible for presenting the deck to the opponent for further randomization. Failure to do so falls under this infraction.\\ 牌手洗自己的套牌是为了让套牌排列成随机顺序,使得其中牌的分布变为未知。如果裁判相信牌手可以知道其套牌中某些牌的大致位置(比如牌手知道某一张牌在套牌的哪一段里,或者没有充分洗牌,套牌中仍是“咒语-咒语-地”的顺序),便可认为牌手未将此套牌充分洗牌。我们无法规定准确的洗牌次数,因为这个数字基于需要随机化的牌的数量,但是如果你觉得套牌没有被充分的洗过,那么此违规便可能适用于这个情况。一旦牌手因为任何原因洗牌,在洗牌完成后他便有责任呈现套牌,将套牌交由对手进行进一步随机化。未能如此做属于此违规的范畴。\\ Generally this infraction occurs because the player is lazy, has bad shuffling habits, or their mind is just elsewhere while shuffling. However, if you believe the player intentionally did not shuffle thoroughly, consider USC—Cheating.\\ 通常出现这种违规是因为牌手犯懒,或者洗牌习惯不好,亦或者他洗牌的时候走神儿了。不管怎样,如果你相信牌手是故意不充分洗牌,那么请考虑“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player forgets to shuffle their library after searching for a card.**\\ ++A. 牌手在搜寻一张牌之后忘了洗他的牌库。|\\ The first example is pretty simple, “Oops, I forgot to shuffle.” You would think things like this never happen, but with a lot going on in the game it’s possible.\\ 第一个例子很简单,“诶?我忘了洗牌。”你可能认为这事儿是不可能发生的,但是如果游戏中发生了很多事情,这确实是有可能发生的。++\\ **B. A player searches for a card, then gives the library a single riffle-shuffle before presenting the library to their opponent.**\\ ++B. 牌手搜寻一张牌,然后只作一次交错洗牌(riffle-shuffle)就将牌库交给对手。|\\ The second example is probably the more common one seen among inexperienced players, or players in a hurry — those who just give the deck a quick one-two-cut.\\ 第二个例子更多的是出现在比赛经验不足的牌手身上,或者打牌很着急的牌手。++\\ **C. A player fails to shuffle the portion of their library revealed during the resolution of a cascade ability.**\\ ++C. 牌手没有将因结算倾曳而展示的部分牌库洗牌。|\\ The third example is just an extension of the first, where someone doesn’t shuffle a portion of the deck, or a pile of cards that are required to be shuffled, either because they forget or because they don’t think they have to.\\ 第三个例子算是第一个例子的延伸,牌手忘了洗一部分的牌库,或者忘了洗一小堆牌,这一般是因为牌手忘了或者认为这不是必须的。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Players are expected to shuffle their deck thoroughly when it is required and are expected to have the skill and understanding of randomization to do so. However, as the opponent has the opportunity to shuffle after the player does, the potential for advantage is lowered if tournament policy is followed.**\\ ++牌手在有必要和被要求时,必须要彻底地将其套牌洗牌;且应要有随机化的技术和对何谓“随机化”的认知。|\\ This is a card game. It requires manipulation of cards. It is the player's responsibility to be able to randomize those cards, and it is reasonable to expect this behavior from them.\\ 万智牌是卡牌游戏,需要操作卡牌。将自己的套牌随机化是牌手的责任,这是对牌手非常合理的要求。\\ ++ ++由于对手在该牌手洗牌之后也有机会洗牌,若是能够确实遵守此项比赛方针,则牌手得到利益的可能性会降低。|\\ It’s easy to try and take advantage of insufficient shuffling, from trying to manipulate the entire deck and its mana distribution, to just trying to manipulate one or two cards’ general position in the deck. The penalty used to be a Game Loss to reflect the potential for advantage. This meant that many new or lazy players would get Game Losses because they didn't know any better/didn't think shuffling was a big deal. However, now, the opponent is required to shuffle the library when the deck is presented. This virtually eliminates the potential for advantage. With that rule in place, we are comfortable with the standard penalty now being a Warning.\\ 试图不充分洗牌以获利是一件很容易的事情,比如操纵牌库里的法术力分布,或者把一两张牌放到牌库里的特定位置。因为获利的可能性很高,曾经这种判罚是一盘负。但是这就意味着很多新手或者犯懒的牌手将得到一盘负,只是因为他们不知道/不认为洗牌是一件很重要的事情。然而现在,每位牌手的对手需要在他洗完牌之后再洗一次牌。这样就消除了获利的可能性。在这条规则出现后,我们很高兴的看到这个违规的标准处罚变成了警告。\\ ++ **Any time cards in a deck could be seen, including during shuffling, it is no longer shuffled, even if the player only knows the position of one or two cards. Players are expected to take care in shuffling not to reveal cards to themselves, their teammates, or their opponents.**\\ ++只要可能看见套牌内容,包括洗牌之间,即使牌手只知道一两张牌的位置,该套牌都会不再是随机化。牌手在洗牌时必须注意不要将牌展示给自己、队友或是对手看。|\\ The cards within the deck should not be revealed to anyone while it’s being randomized, otherwise it’s not random (even if the majority of the deck is). If you riffle shuffle ten times, then riffle shuffle one time face up to bend the cards the other way, it's not shuffled anymore, and you have to start again. In Team games, shuffling away from yourself but towards your teammate is also bad. Shuffling so your opponent can see your cards is not a good idea strategically, but doesn’t receive a penalty.\\ 在随机化的过程中,套牌中的任何牌都不能被展示给任何人,否则这样就不算是已经随机化(即使套牌的大部分已经随机)。如果你进行十次鸽尾式洗牌(即通常洗扑克牌的方法),最后一次洗牌时为了让弯掉的牌弯回来而牌面朝上洗,那么就跟没洗一样,你必须重新开始洗牌。在团队赛中,洗牌时自己没看到却让队友看到了同样也是不行的。用你对手能看到牌的洗牌方式洗牌,从战术上来讲并不是一个好主意,但是这并不会让你受到判罚。\\ ++ **A player should shuffle their deck using multiple methods. Patterned pile-shuffling is only allowed at the start of a game. Any manipulation, weaving, or stacking prior to randomization is acceptable, as long as the deck is thoroughly shuffled afterwards.**\\ ++牌手应使用多种方式洗牌;有规律的分堆洗牌只能在一盘游戏一开始时使用。|\\ When shuffling, multiple types of shuffles should be used together to ensure randomization. Six to eight riffle or “mash” shuffles is sufficient to randomize a deck. A pile shuffle is not shuffling. It is not part of shuffling. It doesn’t count. You can do it once per game in order to count your cards prior to presenting. If a player pile shuffles more than once, don’t give a penalty, and instead instruct the player on correct shuffling techniques.\\ 当洗牌时,应该使用多种方式洗你的牌库以保证随机化。六到八次的插洗或鸽尾式洗牌就足够使套牌随机化。分堆洗牌不是洗牌,它甚至不是洗牌的一部分,并不算数。你可以在游戏开始前、呈现套牌之前为了清点牌张数量,每盘游戏进行一次分堆洗牌。如果牌手分堆洗牌多于一次,不要给判罚,但应指导牌手使用正确的洗牌方式。\\ ++ ++如果之后有充分洗过套牌,任何先行的操作、编排或是叠放都是可接受的。|\\ When a player sits down, their deck is in some order. It may be sorted alphabetically, or mana weaved or had cards placed in specific places in the deck. While it might raise some concern, all that is fine, so long as the deck is sufficiently randomized afterwards. This is because, so long as the deck is shuffled, any manipulation will be obliterated when the deck is randomized. This randomization is further ensured when the opponent also shuffles the deck. Manipulating a deck prior to sufficient shuffling is really done just for comfort. Manipulating a deck prior to insufficient shuffling is a Warning if done unintentionally, and USC—Cheating if done intentionally.\\ 当一位牌手就座时,他的套牌可能已经按某种顺序排好。可能是拼音顺序,或者已经经过“二一插”,或者将某些牌排在某些特定位置。这可能会让人担心有问题,但是只要这个套牌在之后的洗牌中被充分的随机化就没关系。这是因为,只要经过充分的洗牌,任何事先的操纵都会被充分随机化所破坏。对手的洗牌能够进一步保证这种随机化。因此,在充分洗牌之前排好顺序只能起到自我安慰的作用。排顺序之后不充分洗牌的情况,无意的是警告,故意的是“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **Shuffle the appropriate portion of the deck thoroughly.**\\ ++对套牌的对应部分充分洗牌。|\\ The remedy is simple — have them shuffle the cards. You should take some time to quickly explain what kinds of shuffling are necessary and why they’re necessary, as well as reminding the other player to shuffle their opponents deck as well. As a general practice, judges do not perform the shuffle, players do. This prevents the judges from getting involved if sleeves become broken during the shuffle, or if a card falls out. It also prevents the judge from getting blamed if the player draws poorly following the shuffle. \\ 补救措施很简单——洗牌就好了。你应该简略快速的解释一下哪种洗牌方式是必须的,为什么是必须的,同时提醒另一位牌手也要好好洗其对手的套牌。通常来讲,请让牌手洗牌,裁判不要执行洗牌。这样能够防止出现牌套破损或者牌掉出来时,会涉及到帮他洗过牌的裁判。同样这也可以防止牌手指责裁判“你帮我洗完之后我掏的就好烂。”。\\ Keep in mind that some of the cards might be ordered within the deck, so their position should be maintained if they weren’t supposed to be included within the shuffle. When trying to fix the insufficient shuffling problem, it's a good idea to take a look at both player's graveyard as well as the permanents on the battlefield. Asking questions about the known cards in the library is also necessary. Try to take that into consideration whenever you’re dealing with shuffling.\\ 要注意的是,可能在牌库中某些牌的位置是已知的,所以在修正的时候需要将它们保持原位置。当你要修正不充分洗牌时,先看看两位牌手的坟墓场与场上的永久物是个非常好的习惯。询问牌手牌库中是否有已知部分同样是必要的。当你处理洗牌的时候,记得将这些因素考虑进去。\\ ++ [[:IPG:3.8|3.8. 比赛失误~有记号的牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4|4. 举止违背运动道德]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}